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Solving the problem of my sling dilemma (Read 31920 times)
Interfector Viris Spurii

Posts: 2403
Solving the problem of my sling dilemma
Jun 19th, 2020 at 5:26am
It has been solved.
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« Last Edit: Aug 10th, 2020 at 11:30am by AncientCraftwork »  

All Glory to God forever and ever, amen
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Posts: 1183
Re: Solving the problem of the sling dilemma
Reply #1 - Jun 19th, 2020 at 7:59am
Very nice topic. I had the same troubles in the past and I like that you dedicated the time for the experimentation,brainstorming and the post.

My opinions differ from yours for many reasons. The reasons are so many that it would take a book to answer fully. That's why I'll prefer to answer through my videos.
So my short answer is: that the y-sling and the sling are completely different devices, and the y-sling can be replaced by single weight bola but the sling cannot.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Posts: 2403
Re: Solving the problem of the sling dilemma
Reply #2 - Jun 19th, 2020 at 10:50am
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« Last Edit: Aug 10th, 2020 at 11:38am by AncientCraftwork »  

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Re: Solving the problem of the sling dilemma
Reply #3 - Jun 19th, 2020 at 11:55am
AncientCraftwork wrote on Jun 19th, 2020 at 10:50am:
Even if it sacrifices in the power department, if it is that much easier to hit targets with, to me its worth the trade off as the sling becomes a much more useful tool if it actually hits the target. Not saying the regular sling can't hit targets, they obviously can, but the skill ceiling is higher, thus the chance is lower. A weaker consistent hit is more powerful than a more powerfull consistent miss..

I guess it would depend on the application - In sporting events/target shooting, for instance, a need for accuracy would suggest a Y-sling. In other cases though, the sacrificed power might be important - For instance, while I don't know much about hunting, from what I've heard, it's important to kill your quarry quickly (So it doesn't run off into the forest, severely wounded and traumatized) which (depending on the animal) might require more power. On the other hand, hitting one's quarry in the right spot on its body is also important to that end, so who knows? I suppose you'd have to gauge just how much power it's really sacrificing for accuracy before drawing any meaningful conclusions though. It's an interesting question to be sure.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Posts: 2403
Re: Solving the problem of the sling dilemma
Reply #4 - Jun 19th, 2020 at 12:35pm
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« Last Edit: Aug 10th, 2020 at 11:38am by AncientCraftwork »  

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Slinging.org Moderator

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Re: Solving the problem of the sling dilemma
Reply #5 - Jun 19th, 2020 at 2:47pm
Well, Sarosh and Jauke... I disagree with both of you Smiley
I don’t think the Y is a different thing at all. Mechanically speaking, a cord is released, the pouch moves out of the way, and the ammo rolls out. A traditional sling releases the ammo to one side of the cord. A y releases it between two cords. Is that really so different? Nor does the Y necessarily eliminate all rifling. Jauke’s Y is designed to minimize rifling, but you could easily design one that intentionally rifles more.
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Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Solving the problem of the sling dilemma
Reply #6 - Jun 19th, 2020 at 2:51pm
For me, the ancestor of the sling is the "atlatl". Why ? Man threw spears and stones. The "atlatl" appeared afterwards and in the same spirit the personnal sling. Then the sling. Just my idea.
Your goal is precision but is this the main goal of the sling ? Scare wolves ? Shoot in the heap of attackers ? After, men have become good shooters.
My English isn't perfect but it is grosso-modo (in french), approximately my idea.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Posts: 2403
Re: Solving the problem of the sling dilemma
Reply #7 - Jun 19th, 2020 at 3:03pm
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« Last Edit: Aug 10th, 2020 at 11:38am by AncientCraftwork »  

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Rat Man
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Re: Solving the problem of the sling dilemma
Reply #8 - Jun 19th, 2020 at 3:04pm
  I really can't comment intelligently on this until I make and use a Y-sling.  I'll  let you know.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Posts: 2403
Re: Solving the problem of the sling dilemma
Reply #9 - Jun 19th, 2020 at 3:13pm
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« Last Edit: Aug 10th, 2020 at 11:38am by AncientCraftwork »  

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Interfector Viris Spurii

...and now, No. 1, the

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Re: Solving the problem of the sling dilemma
Reply #10 - Jun 19th, 2020 at 3:26pm
Most cameras film at 30 frames per second. Just frame count. It is pretty reliable. I checked it against the radar gun data that I was getting and it was within a few mph, or within 1 m/s.

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John R.
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Archaic Arms

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Re: Solving the problem of the sling dilemma
Reply #11 - Jun 19th, 2020 at 3:39pm
Interesting topic. If these merits are true, then perhaps it could be quite good for close range target shooting. However, personally I find the rifling effect to be quite important for power and accuracy, as the river stones I use go quite a bit further and straighter when stabalised point-first (I regularly sling out to about ~70y). Also, I don't understand how a 'Y' pouch sling could be any less powerful at point-blank ranges.
I'll have to give one of those slings a try.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Posts: 2403
Re: Solving the problem of the sling dilemma
Reply #12 - Jun 19th, 2020 at 3:40pm
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« Last Edit: Aug 10th, 2020 at 11:38am by AncientCraftwork »  

All Glory to God forever and ever, amen
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Slinging.org Moderator

Posts: 2993
Re: Solving the problem of the sling dilemma
Reply #13 - Jun 19th, 2020 at 6:26pm
I have a camera that can film at 1000 frames per second. I will modify the Y that Jauke sent me so it is the same overall length as one of my asymmetrical slings, and maybe I’ll throw together a more traditional split pouch in the same length too. We can just measure the spin directly on several throws with the same style from the same position at the same target. Let’s just see how the speed and spin rates really compare... in my copious free time, of course!

To make things more scientific, I can even randomize the sequence of sling throws so there are no fatigue effects and try to make all three slings be about the same weight, so we are really just measuring the effects of the pouch geometry and release timing.
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“My final hour is at hand. We face an enemy more numerous and cunning than the world has yet seen. Remember your training, and do not fear the hordes of Judas. I, without sin, shall cast the first stone. That will be your sign to attack! But you shall not fight this unholy enemy with stones. No! RAZOR GLANDES!  Aim for the eyes! May the Lord have mercy, for we shall show none!“  -Jesus the Noodler
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Interfector Viris Spurii

...and now, No. 1, the

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Re: Solving the problem of the sling dilemma
Reply #14 - Jun 19th, 2020 at 6:31pm
If you want to get as consistent as possible, put it into a trebuchet model and film those releases. Of course you might have to modify the release hook to make up for the different timing.
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John R.
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