AncientCraftwork wrote on Jun 19
th, 2020 at 10:50am:
Even if it sacrifices in the power department, if it is that much easier to hit targets with, to me its worth the trade off as the sling becomes a much more useful tool if it actually hits the target. Not saying the regular sling can't hit targets, they obviously can, but the skill ceiling is higher, thus the chance is lower. A weaker consistent hit is more powerful than a more powerfull consistent miss..
I guess it would depend on the application - In sporting events/target shooting, for instance, a need for accuracy would suggest a Y-sling. In other cases though, the sacrificed power might be important - For instance, while I don't know much about hunting, from what I've heard, it's important to kill your quarry quickly (So it doesn't run off into the forest, severely wounded and traumatized) which (depending on the animal) might require more power. On the other hand, hitting one's quarry in the right spot on its body is also important to that end, so who knows? I suppose you'd have to gauge just how much power it's really sacrificing for accuracy before drawing any meaningful conclusions though. It's an interesting question to be sure.