Mersa wrote on Apr 7
th, 2020 at 12:10am:
Nice stuff joe.
Is your range also your yard?
Thanks! And yes. I have just over an acre of ground. So the upper part of my yard is a little over 200 feet across. It's a pain to keep the grass mowed, but I love having the space for slinging, bow shooting, etc.
Kick wrote on Apr 7
th, 2020 at 5:15am:
Done mine

I only went to 30 feet. I didn't have much time, it was darn windy and I don't have all that much space on the range and it still be safe to sling rocks. Oh and also I did terribly

10 and 20 were fine but 30 took ages. I'll get the video done today hopefully.
I wasn't expecting someone else to have a go at this so soon. Awesome! I can't wait to see that video.
Sarosh wrote on Apr 7
th, 2020 at 5:23am:
dont start over just continue from 60ft I want to see the continuing story.
That's probably what I'll do. I'll likely go through the shorter distances to warm up and get in the swing of things. Then just pick up where I left off for the actual recording. I do hope to tighten things up the next time. I had so many throws that were off to the left.
JudoP wrote on Apr 7
th, 2020 at 6:30am:
I only have about 12ft to play with- I'm always at maximum range!
I do feel very lucky that social distancing hasn't affected my slinging at all. Because I literally just walk outside. As with everyone, if you ever find yourself in the States and near western Pennsylvania, you're welcome to come sling at my house any time!