Archaic Arms wrote on Feb 8
th, 2020 at 8:22pm:
I own and shoot a flintlock musket (Brown Bess) and can rather easily get off 4 aimed rounds a minute, and 5 rounds a minute if I warm up first (no time to aim though). I would say that the smoothbore musket has man-sized accuracy up to about 100 yards (Any more than that, then luck begins to enter into the equation).
I'm not an expert at all. Never fired a musket. Apparently a rate of 5 to 6 shots per minute was technically possible, but after the first minutes it dropped to 2 or 3, or even lower.
Check this video (rate of fire is around 9:40 mins): It says also that they usually sacrificed accuracy for mass shooting.
By the way, I have being checking some writings from the wars of independence in Latin America against the Spaniards (roughly the same period) and there are many references to entire battalions of slingers, even engaging in open battle. I should get some time and translate some for the forum.
Already some reference or the original text would be great, I do speak some Spanish.