Needs some very fine tuning on the hinge placement (you can see in the last picture there's a tiny gap at the back - easy fix). But as I've got a bunch of slightly different sized and much better quality hinges arriving tomorrow - that will wait till then
I'm using captured nuts and long bolts to attach the hinge. Thus eliminating stress from leverage.
Plus there will be glue and/or some hot plastic to permanently lock everything in place once it's bolted together.
Basically it won't break, the hinge won't clog with clay and short of using a sledge hammer, I don't think it can be broken in normal use.
In short you should be able to quickly knock out as many identical glandes as you like.
Next job, adding same hinge setup to the skull and smiley face moulds.
Also the plastic is made from cornstarch - no petrochemicals and will decompose in a hot compost heap. So completely enviromentally friendly.
Got to take it into consideration these days
haven't tried it yet but can't see any reason we can't have custom engraving on them as an option.
Oh yeah, old and rubbery play doh does not need flour or talc for a clean release - clay does