What kind of force would be required to crack open a bear skull?
Also, when hunting for or defending against large predators it was commonplace to use dogs and/or spears to keep the beast at a distance. Picture 3 men meeting a bear. Two of them are armed with spears and keeps it distracted while the slinger throws at its head from the short distance.
ThracianSlinger26 wrote on Feb 23
rd, 2020 at 2:00pm:
Was trekking through the forest, thing came running at me, and i let a fist sized rock loose right in his face, again, with the apache style. Dropped after one little yelp, and that was pretty much it. I did apply a few hits with my walking stick/cudgel i always carry with me while in the woods for self defense,as i don't like to see animals suffer. I wouldn't have done it, but he was rabid, he was coming right at me,and they are also an invasive species here in Romania and they do quite a lot of damage.
Ha ha. That is an awesome story right there.