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Sling hunting? (Read 23369 times)

Sling it off!

Posts: 16
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Sling hunting?
Jan 8th, 2020 at 4:23am
Hi Slingers,

I would be interested to know if anyone is hunting with a sling (Regular, staffSling or even a Cestrosphendone).

Videos will be amazing too...

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Slinging Rocks!

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León, Spain
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Re: Sling hunting?
Reply #1 - Jan 8th, 2020 at 1:07pm
Well, I'm not hunter and usually I dont aim to animals, but once I did it and decapitated a dove on the woods. It was around 15 to 18 meters throw and the dove was on a tree branch.
It was a shocking image to see the head fall to one side and the body to the other. After that I felt bad (coz never hunted before and I dindn't even thought I was going to hit it) but at the same time I felt powerfull and excited because was prove that sling is a perfectly usefull hunting tool.

I have the pictures somewhere in my computer, but maybe not need to post a beheded bird here.
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Rat Man
Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Sling hunting?
Reply #2 - Jan 8th, 2020 at 2:59pm
     Very few of us ever attain the accuracy to hunt successfully with a sling.  I'm not saying it's impossible.  A few of us (Jaegoor and Lobohunter) have had success.  I am fairly accurate but if I had to feed myself using just a sling I'd probably starve.
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Sling it off!

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Re: Sling hunting?
Reply #3 - Jan 8th, 2020 at 3:14pm
@samuel I don't want to be in your shoes if it was your first time 😅
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Sling it off!

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Re: Sling hunting?
Reply #4 - Jan 8th, 2020 at 3:16pm
@ratman are these sharing their experience anywhere? The search option doesn't seem to work for me
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Curious Aardvark
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Re: Sling hunting?
Reply #5 - Jan 8th, 2020 at 3:27pm
jaegoor once killed a mouse (I believe, In a House) which is where he got the nickname Jaegoor from (means 'hunter')
True story Smiley

Plenty of videos of jaegoor slinging at 'things' - the 'things' pretty much always lose !
He is scary accurate.
If he didn't get nerves during competition, he would probably have put up a perfect score by now.   

Lobo, god knows ,that man could hunt dinosaurs with a sling ! 
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Sling it off!

Posts: 16
Gender: male
Re: Sling hunting?
Reply #6 - Jan 9th, 2020 at 12:27am
I just watched some videos for jaegoor! He really is scary accurate. What a skill
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Sling hunting?
Reply #7 - Jan 9th, 2020 at 3:47am
Ich habe schon ein paar mal was zu diesem Thema gesagt. Meine Meinung dazu war schon immer sehr zwiespältig. Grundsätzlich lehne ich das jagen nicht ab. Wenn es der Nahrung dient. Ich habe einige Male mit der Schleuder gejagt. Sie würde mich ernähren. Jedoch muß ich nicht mit der Schleuder jagen. Ich muß auch nicht ausprobieren wie tödlich die Schleuder ist. Das weiß ich auch. Genauigkeit ist nur ein Ding. Mir fällt es viel schwerer eine Diane zu treffen als einen Tennisball. Ich weiß bis heute nicht warum das so ist. Ich schieße nicht sehr oft auf eine Diane. Und irgendwie mag ich das Ziel auch nicht. Kommen noch viele Menschen dazu, wird das Treffen für mich immer schwieriger. Zuviel Ablenkung. Zu wenig Selektion. Für einen perfekten Schuß, braucht es immer eine perfekte Situation.
Sie müssen bestimmte Tiere nicht unbedingt treffen. Kaninchen würde sie mit einem Stein schreddern. Es reicht, wenn sie kurz vor dem Kaninchen in denn Boden schießen. Oft erschrecken sie sich derart, daß sie sie überschlagen und benommen liegen bleiben. Oder sie sterben sofort am schockt. Das konnte ich mehrfach beobachten.
Es hat auch einen Grund warum historische Slings an seen gefunden werden. Vögel lassen sich hervorragend jagen. Schießen sie einfach in einen Schwarm. Sie treffen immer. Dazu kommt. Vögel erkennen in einer Schleuder keine Waffe. Bei einem Bogen 🏹 bleiben sie irgendwann auf Abstand. Es wird sehr schwer auf Schuß Distanz zu kommen.
Bei einer Sling ist das nicht so. Auch intelligente Vögel wie Raben oder Krähen können sie mit einer Sling besser jagen.
Viele historische Bilder belegen genau das.
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Bono Mellius
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Posts: 1183
Re: Sling hunting?
Reply #8 - Jan 9th, 2020 at 6:17am
Birds are strange I think they sometimes take a detour to check what is coming towards them or they see the stones too late.
@ 3:14

Jaegoor wrote on Jan 9th, 2020 at 3:47am:
Mir fällt es viel schwerer eine Diane zu treffen als einen Tennisball. Ich weiß bis heute nicht warum das so ist. Ich schieße nicht sehr oft auf eine Diane. Und irgendwie mag ich das Ziel auch nicht. Kommen noch viele Menschen dazu, wird das Treffen für mich immer schwieriger. Zuviel Ablenkung. Zu wenig Selektion. Für einen perfekten Schuß, braucht es immer eine perfekte Situation.

google translate: Quote:
I find it much harder to hit a Diane than a tennis ball. I still don't know why. I don't shoot Diane very often. And somehow I don't like the goal either. If there are many more people, the meeting will become increasingly difficult for me. Too much distraction. Too little selection. For a perfect shot, you always need a perfect situation.

Could this be an "aim small, miss small" situation?
I'm confused, I always thought that you train mainly with a balearic target. how can you not like it? Maybe I should not like my targets either so that I hit them more often Tongue
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Slinging Rocks!

Posts: 2835
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Re: Sling hunting?
Reply #9 - Jan 9th, 2020 at 7:29am
Ich habe tatsächlich eine stationäre Diane auf einem eingezäunten Gelände. Ich finde es als sportliches Ziel hervorragend. Aber ich streife viel lieber durch die Wälder und jage Baumstümpfe. Oder Baum Krokodile. 😁 Einmal erlegte ich ein 🎈 Luftballon. Er hing in einem Baum fest. Wie sich herausstellte kam er aus Schweden.
Auch indoor habe ich die Möglichkeit auf eine Diane zu schießen. Aber irgendwie ist es nicht mein bevorzugtes Ziel.
Viel interessanter finde ich zb. Sling Jitsu. 😁 😂 😇
Ich habe einmal einen Ritter sein Schwert mit einem Tennisball aus der Hand geschossen. Danach sprang ich gegen seinen Schild und erlegte ihn mit meinem Sax. Das ist viel geiler als eine schnöde Diane. 😁 😂 😇
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Bono Mellius
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Posts: 1183
Re: Sling hunting?
Reply #10 - Jan 9th, 2020 at 7:54am
ok now I get it , I'd prefer that too Tongue
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Slinging Rocks!

Posts: 2835
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Re: Sling hunting?
Reply #11 - Jan 9th, 2020 at 8:30am

😁 😂

Das war wirklich witzig.
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Bono Mellius
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Slingers Unite!

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Re: Sling hunting?
Reply #12 - Jan 9th, 2020 at 8:37pm
I think an easier option would be to use the sling to steal a larger kill from a pack of predators. I can see a group of slingers easily driving of lions, hyena or wolves away from a deer type animal. Undoubtedly this was the case thousands of years ago. I have a theory that the sound of the sling is ingrained in the genetic memory of such animals and would like to test it one day in Africa. Yes I would have a security team with rifles in case the lions had a foggy memory!!
Very interesting to think about! Perhaps has been discussed on a previous thread, ask C_A!
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Rat Man
Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Rocks!

Posts: 13931
New Jersey, USA
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Re: Sling hunting?
Reply #13 - Jan 10th, 2020 at 8:23pm
    I have never done either of these things but if I was in a survival situation I would sling at flocks of sitting waterfowl or at squirrel's nests. 
    I would sling Underarm at the waterfowl because in doing so even if I missed low the bottom spin of an Underarm shot would cause my projectile to skip off the water in a low trajectory increasing my chances of stunning or killing a bird.
    Even if it took you multiple shots to hit a squirrel's nest it wouldn't matter.  The squirrels wouldn't run off.  They would hide in the nest until you hit it.  You would probably stun them so you'd have to be ready to dispatch them as they fell. 
    Hopefully I'll never have to do either of these things.  I'm not morally opposed to hunting but it lost it's appeal to me a long time ago.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Posts: 1183
Re: Sling hunting?
Reply #14 - Jan 13th, 2020 at 6:43am
found this interesting so i'm sharing.
just watched this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXfB59HenMA
watch from 8:00

I didn't hear joerg mention the mass of the bolt. The crossbow is Excalibur Micro 335. specs :

kinetic energy is 87-98fpe= 117-132J 
@ 10:10 you can see it created a massive wound
The bolt has very similar diameter (blunt tip), Energy and momentum to a slingstone it differs only in velocity and mass.

132J= 0.5 * 0.1056kg * (50m/s)^2
a slingstone of 105grams and 50m/s has the same energy
sling stone momentum is : P=5.28kg*m/s
crossbow momentum for 350grain and 335fps (guessing since i dont know the bolt's mass): P= 102.108m/s* 0.02267kg= 2.314kg*m/s

Conclusion, the slingstone would have the same or bigger penetration.

the only argument against it is that higher velocities usually demonstrate better armor piercing but this is empirical not proved.
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