Yeah, I guess I'm one of these

Looking at my profile: my 13th forum-anniversary is quite soon.
I skim through the threads on a more or less regular basis, but rarely post, as life is indeed quite busy and my interests are quite broad. Although if there is something which interests me, I'll surely drop back in and help if I can. Say egyptian slings, wicked braiding stuff or braiding questions, or some nice physics problem
Rat Man wrote on Oct 1
st, 2019 at 2:05pm:
What makes some of us stick around and some disappear?
The main reason for me to stick around is mostly curiosity. Curiosity about the sling in general, its complexity in use, but also in construction and the many, many ways people make them. From time to time, there are some really neat new ideas in the picture thread. I will leave a little present for you guys there.
And also a bit the amazement over this small and mostly peaceful social oasis in the wilds of the internet;).