*Massive Yawning* Well, I was hibernating for quite a while it seems...
So yes, I moved (2 times even) since I
tried to create this club, including one move to a 3,000 inhabitants village...
Now, I'm back in a city but I don't have the same space to sling peacefully. And it's a rainy zone, so quite hard to be motivated to get out and go slinging.
My slinging is now more "historical" oriented, even if I try to take my slings out while doing archery.
I still have your pennant C_A !
Frondeur, faudra qu'on cause un jour plus en détail, même si le trajet Picardie-Cevennes est un peu long, je descends régulièrement (une fois par an, en gros) tirer dans le Limousin, un peu moins loin
PS : Sorry for the broken english, it's quite late...