Drakolith wrote on Oct 15
th, 2018 at 9:30am:
Welcome to the forum! I’m also attending college, however I can’t find anywhere to sling. But then again we have a gym but I’m afraid to try there, and I don’t drive so I’m very limited on where I can go. Where do you go to sling? Also if you don’t mind, could we get a few pics to see some of your slings? It’s always nice to see what others make.
have you watched jaegoors videos ??
He slings in a gym all the time.
Use tennis balls or sockballs, hang a target on the wall and have at it.
Actually sockballs are best as they don't richochet as much as tennis balls and fly a little straighter.
10 gets you 1 you'll get a bunch of people wanting to do it as well.
Start a slinging club.
Found the north american college slinging league, run for president of the college sports council.
Become president of the American national sports council.
Front an advertising campaign advocating slinging for health, become a nationally known personality.
Then run for president of the united states !
(lets face it, these days ANYONE can be elected). Use the united states nuclear threat against the IOC and declare slinging a true olympic sport - or else !
Invite your old mate CA to join your cabinet as head of the government additive manufacturing technologies department.
And all that, just because you asked someone if you could sling rolled up socks in the gym
The land of opportunity indeed