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Videogames (Read 5157 times)

Rocks away!

Posts: 994
Apr 4th, 2018 at 2:19pm
So the Dark Souls thread got me wondering if there are any other keen gamers on this forum.

I've been well into games since I was about 8yo. Went through gameboys, n64, gamecube, then migrated to PC. These days I don't get a whole lot of time to do it but sometimes I grab an hour or two before bed around my weighty MSc workload.

I especially love my 90s-00s games, my top picks through time in roughly chronological order have been:

N64 & gc Zelda games
Pokemon red (beats blue every day!)
Super smash bros
Age of empires series
Timesplitters 2 & 3
Resident evil 4
Counterstrike source
Garrys mod
Team fortress 2
Dragon age origins
Batman arkham asylum
Dark souls

Anyone else out there share any favourites from the list?

Currently I've gone full circle and am replaying Zelda: Ocarina of time, which amazingly, is 20 years old this year.
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Re: Videogames
Reply #1 - Apr 4th, 2018 at 2:33pm
Sadly, my only options for gaming are a Mac, and my phone/iPad. I do have access to an Xbox, but my little brother hogs it like you wouldn’t believe. Despite this, I do consider myself a gamer, and I’ve also played TF2, Gmod, and Minecraft. As well as some other games, one being the first real mmo I played, called LEGO Universe. One that I recently got into was Hotline Miami, great game, I think you would enjoy it considering you have a taste for the retro style. It also has a amazing soundtrack, I found it so good I have most of the songs from it on my personal music playlist, but that might just be because it’s my sort of music. Also, I play a lot of apps. My previously downloaded app list is insanely long.
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« Last Edit: Apr 4th, 2018 at 3:48pm by Drakolith »  

“When you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all.”
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Posts: 4451
Re: Videogames
Reply #2 - Apr 4th, 2018 at 3:01pm
I love gaming. I follow all the news, I watch multiple let's play channels and I'm really interested in the games industry and how it operates. Playing games...

I haven't actually played any video games in quite a while. When I moved to Finland I couldn't bring my old Xbox 360 and I only have a laptop that can't really handle games. Not wanting to stump up the cash, not really having the time for it and then the games themselves being really too expensive for me, means the last game I played was The Darkness, a game from 2007, when I was over visiting my parents and I had the time to boot up the Xbox about 2 years ago Cheesy
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You are a great guy Kick but also slightly scary at times. - Morphy
"Nothing matters, but it’s perhaps more comfortable to keep calm and not interfere with other people." - H.P. Lovecraft, in a letter to Frank Belknap Long, 7 October, 1923
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Posts: 1183
Re: Videogames
Reply #3 - Apr 4th, 2018 at 3:25pm
i don't play games anymore...

nintendo gameboy light : pokemon blue(most of the time) & silver
kirby's dream

PC games:
crossfire (free fps)
call of duty 1&4
Call of juarez bound in blood
sniper ghost warrior
far cry 2
unreal tournament 2004
Team fortress

most time spent in:

Battlefield bad company 2 Smiley
Mount and blade warbands
Age of empires 3(spain Wink )
Red alert 2

some of the worst waste of time but with good company ===> metin2 ,jade dynasty ,AVA

PSP games:i ve tried a lot but that i don't remember them
best ever : Monster hunter freedom 2 Shocked

JudoP wrote on Apr 4th, 2018 at 2:19pm:
Pokemon red (beats blue every day!)

why do you say that ? Aren't they the same thing?

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Shattered Remains. Wonder

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Re: Videogames
Reply #4 - Apr 4th, 2018 at 6:34pm
Nice list! The game for me that I have played since childhood and love dearly was the Halo series.
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Interfector Viris Spurii


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Re: Videogames
Reply #5 - Apr 5th, 2018 at 6:01am
Well if you want my opinion , baldurs gate !!
Bg 1 or 2 . Expansion or not it's one of the greatest games .
And has slings !!! Ice wind dale also good but not as open world.
Final fantasy 7 is up there too but a little hard to play if your used to newer games and crisp graphics.
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Razor glandes, Aim for the eyes!!!
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Re: Videogames
Reply #6 - Apr 5th, 2018 at 8:11am
I played the hell out of Halo 1 and 2. COD 4 as well. The game I've played the most though is Star Wars Battlefront. I've spent years of my life playing it and I still contend I could best almost anyone on it. It's a shame they NEVER EVER made a remake of that game because it was great on the original Xbox...
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You are a great guy Kick but also slightly scary at times. - Morphy
"Nothing matters, but it’s perhaps more comfortable to keep calm and not interfere with other people." - H.P. Lovecraft, in a letter to Frank Belknap Long, 7 October, 1923
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Curious Aardvark
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Midlands England
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Re: Videogames
Reply #7 - Apr 5th, 2018 at 10:26am
Played video games since they were invented. Right from the original pong, analog space invaders through the very first black and white consoles.

nearly 30 years ago I was chief game mapper and article writer for the Atari Lynx user magazine. That was fun, used to get to go to atari HQ down in reading to see the new games on re-writable carts.
Every other company had  a big glass edifice on the main street - atari had  a small building down by a railway bridge. I was one of the first people in the country to see the jaguar console. 

The lynx was a great hand held, way ahead of it's time with 16bit chips.
Gates of zendor is still one of the best side scrolling shoot-em-up's ever written.  That and zarlor mercenary, by them selves made buying the lynx worthwhile
But the battery life sucked and the sega 8 bit handheld sold way more units. Particularly when they bought out the tv add-on.

After it all went tits-up and pc's started to make an appearance played games on them for a while.
But as i started working for myself as a pc expert,  playing games started to feel like working without being paid.

Shifted back to handheld and got a cracked psp. Great little console, some really great games on it.

Then got a gba - which some might think was a backward step. Really wasn't.
gates of baldur on the gba was fanatastic.
Great battery life, some great games and I added an internal screen-light so you could play it in daylight.

Then went though the Wii phase. the controllers were just totally innovative and made playing games on the big screen fresh again.

greatest video game ever made is zelda: twilight princess, on the wii.
Particularly if you had a cracked wii and a pirate version of twilight. So I never saw the box or manual. Which made everything that happened a total surprise.
When i got turned into a wolf - that blew me away. 

Then i saw nintendo 3ds in cost-co and the glasses free 3d screen just blew me away.
So now I just play games on my 3ds. Every time I try and play a 2d game - it's just disappointing. I'm used to looking through a window at a large 3d world. Not looking at a poor depiction of 3d on  a flat screen. No matter how large the screen it's just not as good.
Tried my mates sony vr helmet. weirdly not as good as a 3d screen. Plus makes you feel sick.

There haven't been many games you can really get your teeth into on the 3ds. But the ones that are, are usually extremely good.
And I do have 11 full 3d pinball tables on the 3ds. If I had nothing else - that'd do Smiley

So these days video games are relegated to the odd hour or two in bed.
Just started steamworld dig 2 and on the last baddie in metroid: return of samus. Big old space pirate, bastard to kill, every now and then I have another go Smiley

But games on pc and flat 2d screens - just don't bother anymore.

Plus it all went online and multiplayer. I hate playing with other humans, give me ai opponents every day of the week. Then it all went team player and co-op. Anyone who knows me will know I'm NOT a team player and never have been.
Also hate turn by turn - which rules out ALL the japanese rpgs on the 3ds.

With the exception of the wii - you can guarentee if I go for a console, it's usually on the technical specs , it just won't get the good games or be popular or be properly supported by the manufacturer lol

The other thing I hate are Retro games.
Look I played them the first time round, when they were all that could be done.
When a £30 tablet now has better graphics chips than pcs did 20 years ago - why on earth would i want crappy blocky graphics and dinky donky sound ?

Just Don't get it, lol
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Do All things with Honour and Generosity: Regret Nothing, Envy None, Apologise Seldom and Bow your head to No One  - works for me Smiley
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Rocks away!

Posts: 994
Re: Videogames
Reply #8 - Apr 6th, 2018 at 8:11am
Drakolith wrote on Apr 4th, 2018 at 2:33pm:
One that I recently got into was Hotline Miami, great game, I think you would enjoy it considering you have a taste for the retro style. It also has a amazing soundtrack.

I think I actually have that game, either that or it's on my wishlist. I have an enormous amount of steam games I haven't got round to playing on  Cheesy

Sarosh wrote on Apr 4th, 2018 at 3:25pm:
why do you say that ? Aren't they the same thing?

Well... yes I suppose. I'm just a little biased  Cool

I shouldn't even be that bothered because I always went bulbasaur starter anyway. Green would have been my game.
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Rocks away!

Posts: 994
Re: Videogames
Reply #9 - Apr 6th, 2018 at 8:21am
Mersa wrote on Apr 5th, 2018 at 6:01am:
Well if you want my opinion , baldurs gate !!
Bg 1 or 2 . Expansion or not it's one of the greatest games .
And has slings !!! Ice wind dale also good but not as open world.
Final fantasy 7 is up there too but a little hard to play if your used to newer games and crisp graphics.

I played baldurs gate dark alliance with my buddies which was great fun, had a try of the early ones but they seem hard to get into.

Kick wrote on Apr 5th, 2018 at 8:11am:
I played the hell out of Halo 1 and 2. COD 4 as well. The game I've played the most though is Star Wars Battlefront. I've spent years of my life playing it and I still contend I could best almost anyone on it.

I kinda felt that way in team fortress 2 for a time, that was pretty much the only game I played for about 4 years and I got so good at it. However, I occasionally came across the odd division 1 comp player who would just completely trash me. It was a pretty damn competitive game at the time and the guys at the top of the top just had almost magical levels of skill.
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Rocks away!

Posts: 994
Re: Videogames
Reply #10 - Apr 6th, 2018 at 8:43am
Curious Aardvark wrote on Apr 5th, 2018 at 10:26am:
Played video games since they were invented. Right from the original pong, analog space invaders through the very first black and white consoles.

nearly 30 years ago I was chief game mapper and article writer for the Atari Lynx user magazine. That was fun, used to get to go to atari HQ down in reading to see the new games on re-writable carts.
Every other company had  a big glass edifice on the main street - atari had  a small building down by a railway bridge. I was one of the first people in the country to see the jaguar console. 

The lynx was a great hand held, way ahead of it's time with 16bit chips.
Gates of zendor is still one of the best side scrolling shoot-em-up's ever written.  That and zarlor mercenary, by them selves made buying the lynx worthwhile
But the battery life sucked and the sega 8 bit handheld sold way more units. Particularly when they bought out the tv add-on.

After it all went tits-up and pc's started to make an appearance played games on them for a while.
But as i started working for myself as a pc expert,  playing games started to feel like working without being paid.

Shifted back to handheld and got a cracked psp. Great little console, some really great games on it.

Then got a gba - which some might think was a backward step. Really wasn't.
gates of baldur on the gba was fanatastic.
Great battery life, some great games and I added an internal screen-light so you could play it in daylight.

Then went though the Wii phase. the controllers were just totally innovative and made playing games on the big screen fresh again.

greatest video game ever made is zelda: twilight princess, on the wii.
Particularly if you had a cracked wii and a pirate version of twilight. So I never saw the box or manual. Which made everything that happened a total surprise.
When i got turned into a wolf - that blew me away. 

Then i saw nintendo 3ds in cost-co and the glasses free 3d screen just blew me away.
So now I just play games on my 3ds. Every time I try and play a 2d game - it's just disappointing. I'm used to looking through a window at a large 3d world. Not looking at a poor depiction of 3d on  a flat screen. No matter how large the screen it's just not as good.
Tried my mates sony vr helmet. weirdly not as good as a 3d screen. Plus makes you feel sick.

There haven't been many games you can really get your teeth into on the 3ds. But the ones that are, are usually extremely good.
And I do have 11 full 3d pinball tables on the 3ds. If I had nothing else - that'd do Smiley

So these days video games are relegated to the odd hour or two in bed.
Just started steamworld dig 2 and on the last baddie in metroid: return of samus. Big old space pirate, bastard to kill, every now and then I have another go Smiley

But games on pc and flat 2d screens - just don't bother anymore.

Plus it all went online and multiplayer. I hate playing with other humans, give me ai opponents every day of the week. Then it all went team player and co-op. Anyone who knows me will know I'm NOT a team player and never have been.
Also hate turn by turn - which rules out ALL the japanese rpgs on the 3ds.

With the exception of the wii - you can guarentee if I go for a console, it's usually on the technical specs , it just won't get the good games or be popular or be properly supported by the manufacturer lol

The other thing I hate are Retro games.
Look I played them the first time round, when they were all that could be done.
When a £30 tablet now has better graphics chips than pcs did 20 years ago - why on earth would i want crappy blocky graphics and dinky donky sound ?

Just Don't get it, lol

That's an interesting read.

I have to say that for me retro appeals despite the poor graphics/performance not because of them, I would love to see ocarina of time (for example) with amazing graphics however it doesn't bother me much that it hasn't.

To be fair a huge part of retro is also nostalgia (born 1990 and rarely play games from before 95) and the inherent selection bias in simply picking the best games of whatever given decade and ignoring the hordes of rubbish games.
There is a certain style to old games though and generally speaking I'm not so happy about the direction of gaming over the past 10 years or so, though still great games are coming out occasionally.

Twilight princess I agree is a great game (actually replaying now alongside Ocarina) though I have to say for me it's actually the least favourite of the 4 zelda games I've completed. My favourite has to be Majoras Mask. I'd say it's by far the most emotionally affecting zelda game (or even just game in general). The combination of the 3-day cycle with the deep and intricate world built around, all against the backdrop of impending doom is just a masterstroke and I haven't seen such effective innovation in gaming since. For me it took the zelda 'world' to a place never seen since, and due to the unique nature of the story I don't think it can be replicated.
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Curious Aardvark
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Re: Videogames
Reply #11 - Apr 6th, 2018 at 2:50pm
ah then you want ocarina of time on the 3ds.
majora's mask also on the 3ds.
It's good. But twilight princess has everything. Shooting bits, fighting bits, puzzle bits, fishing bits, upgradeable stuff. The graphics are brilliant, the control system is unbeatable.
And every time you think you've come to the end of the game - it just keeps going with another big baddie you knew nothing about.

Wish they'd port it over the the 3ds. But now they've got the new console/tablet thing, the 3ds will just get left behind. Nintendo only really ever support one platform at a time. 

If they'd put  a 3d screen on the switch I'd have hocked the family silver and got one in a heartbeat.
But 2d gaming screens just holds no appeal for me any more Sad

There are some truly awesome games that could be easily ported to the 3ds.
Top of my list is MDK.
The first game that had semi-intelligent baddies.
Also was total 3d modelled.

Probably 20 years ago or more, I had a 3d setup on my pc with lcd glasses.
It was great, any 3d modelled game was automatically converted.
Then nvida bought the company and shut the 3d down, flat screens came out and they didn't have fast enough refresh rates to do 2-screen 3d and the whole 3d on pc's died a quiet death.

Weirdly it was the faster refresh rate and higher resolutions of a good crt screen (my mate worked for hewlett packard in the returns dept - so i got good gear at silly prices.) That let 3d work properly.

Even today most flatscreens won't refresh fast enough to make it worth doing. You need it to be around 80hz. And because flat screens only refresh the pixels that change - not the entire screen - they don't need fast refresh.
Most budget screens these days won't go much over 60hz and even the expensive ones tend not to go much beyong 70.

My old 17inch trinitron tube monitor in my workshop, will go up to 120hz refresh and a stupidly high resolution. Why I still have it.
Best monitors ever made.

One of the best things I ever read in a manual came with a big crt screen I installed for client.
It said: 'if you have any problems, first thing to do is to apply firm force to the monitor case with your hand.'

In other words, if it goes wrong - hit it !
This was a £400 monitor.

Almost as good as the classic: 'no keyboard present, press f1 to continue.'

I think people had more fun at work back then - plus most of them were permamently stoned. You don't come up with the keyboard error message while drinking red-bull whistle 

The other thing we don't have any more are amusement arcades with video games.
Spent most of my time at college in the arcade in stoke.
That and playing pinball in the students union. Grew up playing pinball.
I could stick 50p in the union pinball machine, play for a couple ofm hours and leave it with a few credits for someone else.
The best one had  a 5 ball multiball.

Wish they'd release more tables for the 3ds - but can't see it happening Sad 

It's true what they say: even nostalgia was better back then whistle
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Do All things with Honour and Generosity: Regret Nothing, Envy None, Apologise Seldom and Bow your head to No One  - works for me Smiley
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Slinging.org Moderator


Posts: 8230
Re: Videogames
Reply #12 - Apr 7th, 2018 at 8:44am
I remember playing Teamfortress when it was just a mod for Quake 1 (a game I still love to this day.) TF was a great game!! So many well wasted hours on that game. Quake as well was and is to me the greatest FPS game I've ever played.

I was heavily into the NES, SNES, and to a lesser extent N64.
I loved Final Fantasy 1 and 4. Street fighter 2 was also a favorite. I only played a bit on N64 before switching to computers. Played Quake for years and got pretty good, near tier 1 at my best but not quite as good as the Quake gods. (Some of those guys I'm convinced are not quite human).

Also played Ultima Online for a few years and then moved on to EverQuest. Great games. UO was like the wild west of MMOs. Roaming bands of PKs killing everyone in sight. Going into dungeons and always keeping one eye on the mobs and the other on other players. Fun times.

I can't get interested in console gaming as much as I used to. Now I mostly play Chess. It never seems to get boring even when certain people catch me with the same damn knight sacrifice half a dozen times lol.
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Curious Aardvark
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Taller than the average

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Midlands England
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Re: Videogames
Reply #13 - Apr 7th, 2018 at 11:29am
Quake was good, first game where you had 360 aiming (or was duke nukem first ?) either way quake was the firt game with fully 3d modelled creatures and environments AND free form aiming.

Speaking of which - the best game of it's type of the era and groundbreaking in soooo many ways: Unreal.

Oh man, the first time you fired a shot into the sky and it just kept on going. That blew you away.
Really atmospheric.
That would work well on the 3ds as well. So would quake for that matter.

Plus the arena side of both Unreal and quake were also excellent. As long as you just played the computer lol Other Humans always spoil games whistle

Never finished Unreal - just too damn hard. Even with cheats and level jumping I don't think I ever saw the end.

The other really groundbreaking game was System Shock.
the first time the evil computer spoke to you, you nearly wet yourself lol

I like exploring games and games with a more free form plot to them.
If any of you have played steamworld dig 1 - get 2 !
Much bigger game, loads more upgrades and different ways to do them and good story so far.
I'm going to lose a lot of sleep this week - a drawback with playing games in bed whistle
Also a benefit of being single Smiley 

Born in 1990 - lol I'm getting old.
We got our very first games console in the mid 70's. Black and white (like the telly) guessing my dad got it because it came with a GUN !
You had to turn the brightness and contrast on the telly right up, draw the curtains and switch the lights off. The white dot travelling around the screen left trails on your retina. But the gun could see it.
Also had variations of pong with different numbers of paddles for the different games.

Oddly we never had an atari, freinds did. In fact our next console that got plugged into the tv was the wii.
Games were much better in the arcades. And if - like me - you lived in germany but occasionally went to the uk. You could get loads of 5 pence pieces, which back then were the exact same size and weight as a german deutschmark. So I used to stock up on 5p's and spend a lot of time but very little money playing arcade machines.

Also Read  a lot of books
Then when we moved back to the uk when I was 14, I got a zx81. With a 16kb memory expansion !
Wrote a lot of my own games, they weren't great - but they did work.
Then got  a dragon 32. And that added sound and colour and writing games just got too complicated for me.
But it was very good for playing games on.
Went from the dragon (still under my bed I think) to an amstrad pcw - and got into word processing and desktop publishing - wrote the definitive guide to a couple of dtp programs for the pcw.
Which was also the time the atari lynx came out and i got into that and the user magazine.

Built my first pc after college while i was working at the mcvities biscuit factory (cookies for you yanks) and things just kind of snowballed from there.

Right off to do some cooking.
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Do All things with Honour and Generosity: Regret Nothing, Envy None, Apologise Seldom and Bow your head to No One  - works for me Smiley
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Slinging.org Moderator


Posts: 8230
Re: Videogames
Reply #14 - Apr 7th, 2018 at 2:14pm
Unreal tournament is sort of like Quake in that it has a huge following of hardcore fans. I have never seen it but I hear great things about it.

Duke Nukem 3d may have been the first, I believe that was it's big selling point. But Quake perfected the concept and adding multiplayer to it was like gasoline on a fire. Those were good days! Quake 3 was also extremely well made.

One of my friends Dad at the time worked for Id, the makers of Quake, and had his house built after the exact design of the level he created. He also created the Fiends in that game if that rings a bell.
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