As a quick aside, Daft Punk are fantastic.
I think one reason music seems so terrible now is just that there's so much more of it. Back in the olden days there would be a handful of records released in a month, now, thousands are released a day. Music is much cheaper and easier to make and release so anyone can do it, whether or not they have talent or original ideas. The music everyone ends up hearing is designed to appeal to the largest group possible. It used to be each group would have their own tastes and so it was easy to market to those groups and be guaranteed sales. You want to sell a punk record? Advertise it to punks. You want to sell a rock record? Those guys with the long hair will like it. Nowadays, because of the internet mostly, everyone is open to listening to different genres and doesn't just stick to one genre so the record companies have to make bland, unobjectionable, easily digestible music that both kids, grandparents and everyone in between will at least tolerate. All the interesting creative stuff has been pushed to the sides. It's definitely still there and that's where the internet comes to the rescue in that you can find all sorts of weird, interesting stuff without going anywhere near any Top 10's or music awards but it is that bit harder to find.