When I said lob, I meant the thing you see in all of these target competitions y'all post where they throw it like a panzy. My stance is that a sling is a weapon, not a game of cornhole

Power and strength make a weapon. However I see a lob being useful in the ancient military. When groups start closing, rain mortars on their heads; however, they probably lobbed it, just with power. Throwing it strong and high.
By kinetic energy, a lob should be the most powerful attack, if thrown with force. In parabolic trajectories, the maximum force/KE is at both the starting and ending points. Anywhere in between is less force and the closer to the center, the less force. But when you throw it like a three year old, no matter how parabolic your trajectory is, it should hit with the power of a 3 year old's sling throw.
I had my answer before I posted this, I just wanted to see the general opinion on this.