Mauro Fiorentini wrote on Mar 1
st, 2013 at 11:49am:
Topic added to the PG's Index.
I agree with both slingbadger and Thearos even if I think these pouches are small too.
By the way I managed to handle some ancient knives in the past and I've found them to be small too, for my hands.
Don't know if it means something, though...
Mauro, you bring up an excellent point. I have taken multiple history courses, and while i am not sure about this, I think that nutrition improved dramiticly after the black death, and this allowed people(children) to grow larger. We all know that two identical twins, one malnourished, one fed but not "fat" the fed one will be taller and stronger if they lived the same. We do know that stone age people were shorter than modern people. It seems that once humans had a stable food source, it helped them grow larger. Also, this could be becuase we are all part neadethal, but back then people were not "alloyed" with them (for lack of a better term). Also, after the argicultural revolution, people were larger and better fed. There is archeological evidence for this, I just cant remember all of what we talked about in a class I slept in ever other day

I think that mostly explains the smaller knives. plus that there was reduced reliance on knives, more on that later.
More evidence- The people with the most varied foods have historicly been the conquerors, not the conquerees.