Even though I gave a brief overview of how petitioning should be done in the Ranking and Merit Award System Requirements, I thought it might be beneficial to give some more detail here.
Some Guidelines that I think may be helpful for making submissions easier for review and therefore also quicker.
1. Make sure that the Petitions are being submitted on the Dedicated Thread Here. 2. When you submit a Petition, state one Merit Award you would like to be considered for. 3. Underneath this, state why you are qualified for this Merit Award and include links for verification. If you cannot provide proof, simply state that you cannot provide it and that you are qualified.4. If you have additional Merit Awards you would like to petition for, repeat from step 1.Below is an example: When submitting petitions on the "SUBMIT RANKING AND MERIT AWARD PETITIONS HERE" thread, Please observe the following Etiquette to keep things as orderly as possible.
1. The Petitioning Thread is for Petitioning for Awards or Rank only. I would like to Minimize questions and conversations in there if possible. If you have questions, disagreements, etc. just send me a PM or email.
2. Please do not comment on Petition submissions other than your own within the Thread. Congratulations can be directed to the "PROMOTIONS AND AWARDS" Thread after the Artist's Achievements have been recognized and posted by the Ranking And Merit System Moderator(s). Any complaints can be addressed to me via PM or Email.
3. Petitions will be reviewed and awarded in the order by which they are received. This means if you submit two awards, and then wait to submit others, I may have already moved on to the next Petition.
4. When I start your review I will edit your post to show that I have received and am currently working on your petitions. I realize that there are quite a few of you out there who may well qualify for high Levels in most of the Categories and that this procedure may be tedious as a result. However, for the edification of our Slinging Community I strongly encourage you to participate as fully as possible. Artists younger in the Art can only benefit from this! Thank you!
Happy Ranking Everyone!