Quote:Dan wrote on Jan 7
th, 2013 at 1:58pm:
Quote:As to the glass bow question - no way. I'd love to see their best work go up against something like a Fox triple crown and see if they can get near the cast of it. I'd be really surprised - and that's still a longbow, we're not even delving into recurves yet.
It's not my word against theirs. Fortunately, there's a little something in the world called science, and it can help us out of quandaries like these. I'll see if I can get FPS figures for my unbacked and backed longbows. The next bow I get is going to be a modern glass-backed longbow. I'll put the same arrows through the chrono from each bow, and we'll see what's fastest and what isn't. Granted, a D-section English longbow isn't going to be as efficient as a flat-backed American-style longbow, so my self-bow will be doubly disadvantaged, but the point is that these comparisons are possible, and we don't have to take anybody's word for it. For my part, it's from firsthand experience of seeing the incredibly flat trajectories attained by modern glass-backed longbows in competition settings shooting over a distance of 50-80 yards.
They have FPS measures in the books as well and I'd highly encourage you to read over them.
Some of them are sub average glass bow, some are about average. But at the time the average now was state of the art then. So perhaps some context should be mentioned.
A lot of the times you see the flat 60 yard trajectories may also depend a lot on the arrow. Carbon fiber target arrows that are around 7gpp, will fly a lot faster than youir normal hunting arrow out of a self bow.
I agree that the glass backed bow has the potential to be faster than the self bow, I just rembered that quote on the back of the most revolutionary and best sold book series on bow building and I thought I'd bring it up.
This thread is discussed by bowerys and archers much more expierenced than myself, hopefully it can clear some things up.
http://www.primitivearcher.com/smf/index.php?topic=8239.0SS, here's the all boo bow I was talking about.