
Slinging Rocks!
Posts: 801
New Brunswick Canada
My dad is actually a bowyer, while he makes all wood laminated bows I have been making stick bows from saplings, usually green then allow to dry and some slight retillering due to the change in wood density usually one limb bends a little less than the other after it dries. I only actually made my first bow last year and surprisingly it did work out great but was only about 20-25lbs. Since then I have made about 10 more, broke 3, 2 need fixing up, (bark seperating on back from around small knots,) but the rest I am currently shooting, some have bark on back some I removed the bark, you can leave it on if the bark dries hard and it is somewhat smoothe and knot free and intact all the way along, with something like sugar maple you can just leave it on as long as you don't have a lot of knots near the center of your bow back or it will peel off around them. After you have made a few you will find it get's easier, I made two sapling bows just this afternoon and was shooting them, maybe four ours work and over 40lbs. draw each, they still need to dry and be retillered a little and be finished up but they are shootable. I find the indispensable tools are a very sharp axe for roughing it out and a hand plane, I use a small one for tillering and a large wood block plane for heavy removal, sometimes I will use a drawknife for heavy removal but the block plane works better usually depending on the wood. Rasps and files also are handy for final tillering. That's a great looking bow and I doubt it will explode on you the way it is. Did you put any backing on it?