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PDF leather pouch templates (Read 212897 times)
Curious Aardvark

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PDF leather pouch templates
Aug 8th, 2012 at 12:38pm
For those of us who don't braid thought I'd start this thread up, plus I don't need the spambot sticky at the moment so got a spare slot Smiley

If you don't know how to turn your favourite pouch template into a pdf - PM me and i'll tell you how or do it for you - whichever's easiest for you Smiley

I chose pdf's for the simple reason it's a universal format and you can change the pouch size simply by changing printout size.

Okay I'll start with the 6 hole template I use most.
This should be printed out on A4 (letter if in the states or - probably - canada).
This will make a universal pouch capable of holding anything from a tennis ball on down to a handful of gravel.
Cut along the outer green lines and then cut out the green triangles.
Punch holes centrally in the end tabs and about 5mm in from the end.
Since almost no stress is placed on the end of the hole (if you follow my attachment method), you could punch the holes closer to the end of the tabs if you wished. But I generally go for around 5mm.

When attaching cords the middle tab is at the back and the two outer tabs go 2nd and third one end and the other way round at the other. this stops the pouch from listing to one side and holds it flat when hanging down.
To attach cords, form a loop in the end of the cord (double cord over and tie a simple overhand knot), push loop through from the back. feed the rest of the cord through the loop and then work the loop around the sides of the tabs. And pull tight.
This attachment is the strongest way to attach cord to leather. This is because there is no stress placed on the hole itself, the leather is held by 2 cords. Cannot tear and the loops hold the pouch centrally and prevent listing or twisting.
Once I've tied my loop knots I cut the spare end of the cord short and melt it back into the body of the knot itself. Just looks neater.

If you print it out on a5 - it'll be the ideal size for golfballs Smiley
I'm planning on laminating a couple of sheets of these to give me much more durable templates. But I usually print out on paper, cut round and use a pritt stick for temporary attachment to the leather.
With a more rigid laminated template I think I can just hold it to the leather and draw round with a pencil.
See next post for pics Smiley
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Curious Aardvark

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Re: PDF leather pouch templates
Reply #1 - Aug 8th, 2012 at 1:04pm
Pouch attached to cords below.
You can use whipped loops if you wish. However the knots add weight to the ends of the pouch that help it open up on release and pretty much eliminates the issue of missile hitting the release cord.

Well I've never had that happen with one of my slings and it seems to be a common problem with braided slings - so draw your own conclusions Smiley

You can use longer attachment loops than I've used here (makes it much easier), it doesn't look quite as neat, but works at least as well  Smiley

The picture also clearly illustrates how the outer tabs are alternately crossed on opposite ends of the pouch.

If you don't have leather this pouch and attachment method is highly suitable for any other fairly strong material. Again, because very little stress is placed on the attachment holes themselves and the material is 3 layers deep at atachment point, even single ply denim will make a durable, long lasting pouch.
I suspect that a single layer of denim, lined with ducttape would last a helluva long time Smiley
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6holepouch_1024x514.jpg (105 KB | 617 )

Do All things with Honour and Generosity: Regret Nothing, Envy None, Apologise Seldom and Bow your head to No One  - works for me Smiley
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Re: PDF leather pouch templates
Reply #2 - Aug 8th, 2012 at 1:16pm
Great idea!
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: PDF leather pouch templates
Reply #3 - Aug 8th, 2012 at 1:48pm
totally. ill have to post my own fav pattern.
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Interfector Viris Spurii
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Re: PDF leather pouch templates
Reply #4 - Aug 8th, 2012 at 2:41pm
Can I use the results of this thread for the Slinger's Guide?
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I was pretty good at slinging like 10 years ago.
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Curious Aardvark

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Re: PDF leather pouch templates
Reply #5 - Aug 9th, 2012 at 7:39am
of course.

you can use anything on the site, Including the articles and guides section.
No point duplicating something that's already been done.

Got another little pouch template to post. just a simple little 4 tab job that's brilliant for smaller pouched slings and long distance golf ball slings.

But the more we can get here the better really Smiley
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Slinging Rocks!

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Re: PDF leather pouch templates
Reply #6 - Aug 10th, 2012 at 3:54pm
Great pouch, and great thread- I'll be checking often and posting if I have any flashes of genius. I've only really played with shaped pouches a little, and had problems with rocks (jagged ones, mostly, cause that's all I had) hanging up so they throw to the left (I'm righty, sidearm, sort of). Is that an ammo-specific problem, or have others experienced that with their shaped pouches and nice, round ammo? My pouches are usually nearly flat, and work well with the lame rocks I have here, not so much with better ammo. I guess I have to make some ammo, anyway, so I can try that cool looking pouch  Smiley
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Môn Slinger
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Slinging In The Rain

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Re: PDF leather pouch templates
Reply #7 - Aug 11th, 2012 at 9:04am
I have only just started making slings, but wondered if anyone would be interested if I made a pattern for any of the slings below? Some of them are based on designs I have seen here, some are an amalgam of ideas. There are better individual photos in the 'photos...' thread. The shape, method of attaching the cords, the cords and finger loops vary between designs.

I have used an old sewing machine to make most of them, but they could all be hand sewn with an awl.


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Interfector Viris Spurii
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Slinging Rocks!

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Re: PDF leather pouch templates
Reply #8 - Aug 11th, 2012 at 3:53pm
Môn Slinger wrote on Aug 11th, 2012 at 9:04am:
I have only just started making slings, but wondered if anyone would be interested if I made a pattern for any of the slings below? Some of them are based on designs I have seen here, some are an amalgam of ideas. There are better individual photos in the 'photos...' thread. The shape, method of attaching the cords, the cords and finger loops vary between designs.

I have used an old sewing machine to make most of them, but they could all be hand sewn with an awl.



Yes.  Smiley
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I was pretty good at slinging like 10 years ago.
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Môn Slinger
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Slinging In The Rain

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Re: PDF leather pouch templates
Reply #9 - Aug 13th, 2012 at 8:36am
Here is a first stab at making a pattern for the sewn/shaped sling, which I call a 'boat sling' since it looks a bit like one (or maybe 'boat pouch' would be more accurate). This one is perfect for a tennis ball. It is sling labelled 'D' on the photograph above.

The leather I have used has been around 2.5-3mm thick, and I have used both soft leather and stiffer oiled leather. The soft leather holds the stone/ball more easily, but the stiffer one flicks open more easily. Both work well.

It is easiest to cut the leather curve with a generous overcut, then sew together, then trim the edge close to the stitching. I also do all of the stitching before punching the holes for the cords. I use a 4mm punch.

It is important to 'oversew' at the ends of each curved line, where the stitching meets the central uncut part. This means there will be an even curve to the underside, without gaps showing in the centre.

The sewing could be done by hand, using a leather needle and waxed thread, and doubling back, or using an awl to make a lockstitch. I use a vintage handcrank sewing machine, which you can pick up for almost the same price as a new awl (£15-25 in the UK). I like the Pfaff 30 or Singer 201, but pretty well any pre-1970 machine will sew leather. I don't even use the crank most of the time, just turn the flywheel by hand. The thread is bonded nylon, which is very strong and used in tents, briefcases etc.

This is the sling.


The attached pdf should print at the right size on A4. I have put a couple of major dimensions in so you can check on the size.

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« Last Edit: Aug 13th, 2012 at 10:22am by Môn Slinger »  

boat_sling_1_001.pdf (21 KB | 326 )
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Re: PDF leather pouch templates
Reply #10 - Aug 13th, 2012 at 1:16pm
Very nice! I like the offset connectors.

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Môn Slinger
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Slinging In The Rain

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Re: PDF leather pouch templates
Reply #11 - Aug 13th, 2012 at 3:54pm
Thomas wrote on Aug 13th, 2012 at 1:16pm:
Very nice! I like the offset connectors.


Thanks  Smiley

I was playing with the paper pattern and reckon it would work without any stitching, just held together with cord through the two holes.
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Curious Aardvark

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Re: PDF leather pouch templates
Reply #12 - Aug 13th, 2012 at 6:26pm
you know that boat sling template would probably work at least as well without stitching. Just bring the holes over one another instead of facing, and attach with a loop. That would make an interesting pouch I reckon.
If you trim the corners of the hole tabs so they are at an angle and not square. The loop should get a great grip.

I'll have a play. Smiley

As far as stitching goes. You can make the holes with the smallest setting on  a standard hole punch.

You only need a few bits of kit to make leather pouched slings - the hole punch is probably the most important.

I have an antique one I picked up from an 'antiques' stall many years ago. It's tough enough that I can put serious squeeze on without bending the handles.
Which I did with the cheaper one I got recently from lidl, bend the handles, that is. It was included in an eyelet kit I bought. 
I probably don't need to squeeze as hard - but it's much easier using a tool that doesn't care how hard you squeeze. The one in the picture above - for example - looks like I could bend the handles one handed.  

If I were going to buy one I'd probably pay a few extra sheckels and get one of these:


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Do All things with Honour and Generosity: Regret Nothing, Envy None, Apologise Seldom and Bow your head to No One  - works for me Smiley
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Curious Aardvark

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Re: PDF leather pouch templates
Reply #13 - Aug 13th, 2012 at 7:03pm
After a quick play with a paper template and a stapler.

Yep this will definitely work without stitches and with cords attached with loops  Smiley

Punch 4 holes, no stitching, it's a great size for a general purpose pouch too.

If it hasn't got a name I'd like to call it the 'Butterfly Template'
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Do All things with Honour and Generosity: Regret Nothing, Envy None, Apologise Seldom and Bow your head to No One  - works for me Smiley
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Môn Slinger
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Slinging In The Rain

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Re: PDF leather pouch templates
Reply #14 - Aug 14th, 2012 at 2:27pm
I made a stitchless butterfly pouch today, and it seems to work very well. This leather is quite stiff compared to the other stuff I have been using. I think 'butterfly' suits better than 'boat', especially since it now has holes in it  Grin

If the cuts are made perfectly (mine weren't) the two edges should butt against each other. I made the holes after crossing the lugs/ears over. It is quite tricky to get the curved cuts to meet neatly in the middle, and next time I will punch a small hole in the angle, as a 'stop'.




I think have seen a similar pattern on here, called an 'H' pouch - ring any bells?

Regarding punches, for making a run of straight holes I was thinking of getting one of these:


As I enjoy punching things! But wouldn't work well on a curved edge.
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