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PDF leather pouch templates (Read 212882 times)
Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: PDF leather pouch templates
Reply #30 - Dec 28th, 2012 at 10:34pm
Well... I am thinking..... maybe It would be nice to create some sort of a leather netted pouch, as in a sort of... let me draw it out. Ill post in the morn....
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Slinging Rocks!

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Re: PDF leather pouch templates
Reply #31 - Jan 17th, 2013 at 4:28am
Here`s a type of cupped leather pouch that`s made of one piece of leather. The same photo is in the picture thread on page 216. It looks a bit like Captain Paul`s design.

+  it needs no rivets and has only one leather to leather attachment point instead of four

-   a wider piece of leather is needed (compared to CP`s)

I call it the airplane or goose. You`ll understand the name when you see the template Shocked
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Slinging Rocks!

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Re: PDF leather pouch templates
Reply #32 - Jan 17th, 2013 at 4:30am
PDF-template attached
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ptemplate.pdf (170 KB | 142 )
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Slinging Rocks!

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Re: PDF leather pouch templates
Reply #33 - Jan 17th, 2013 at 4:43am

Cut out the pouch,
use a hole puncher to make six holes where indicated,
fold part 2 onto part 4,
then overlap the outer parts 1 and 3 with part 2 (make sure that part 2 is on the inside of the pouch).
Tie 1,2 and 3 together as described by curious_aardvark in the first post of this thread. This will be the retention side. When you watch the pouch from the retention side (ammo side on the top, backside on the bottom) the margins of the three layers of tied-together leather should form an head-down "U".
Attach the release cord on the remaining hole by using the same attachment method.
Now you only have to make a finger loop and release knot and you`re done.

Hope you can follow these instructions despite my bad English.
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ptemplate.jpg (176 KB | 580 )
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Interfector Viris Spurii

peace through superior

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Re: PDF leather pouch templates
Reply #34 - Feb 10th, 2013 at 6:25pm
Wow, that's one wide pouch!
I love just a piece of leather with a small triangle cut out...
Il post tomm
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"You don't think the electricity is off. You check it 3 times to make SURE its off"
"Remember, this is not a scalpel. It is a steel wedge that you will be slamming into knotty wood. Hone accordingly."
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Curious Aardvark

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Re: PDF leather pouch templates
Reply #35 - Apr 5th, 2013 at 11:44am
lol that goose is one weird looking - but clever - design Thumbs Up

What's the reason behind the asymmetry ? ie: why have one side shorter than the other ?
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Interfector Viris Spurii


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Re: PDF leather pouch templates
Reply #36 - May 18th, 2014 at 9:11am
Miniature Knock Off Aussie Pouch

Two flat straps 1/2 in by 2-1/2 in .. poke holes in the strap  ends ... tie one end to a cord. take the free end of the  strap that is on the bottom and move it to the top ...align  holes and fasten the other cord ... good for 2 oz. sinkers and marble sized stones..

I make a similar three strap version with 3/8 in wide material.... Holes are punched in the strap ends and the straps are stacked...One end is secured with a cord...The middle strap stays in the middle, the top and bottom straps will swap position  on the unsecured end of the pouch (top to bottom, bottom to top)... align the holes .. secure with the other cord ... works good ... natural cup for flinging lead football sinkers

Here is a tennis ball sized two strap...Straps are 1 inch by 8 inches ...

PS works well with leather straps that are the slightest bit stiff.
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TwobyEight.jpg (60 KB | 83 )

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One with the sling I am

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Re: PDF leather pouch templates
Reply #37 - May 20th, 2014 at 7:39am
CA, those pouches look familiar especially with alligator. Did ya miss me? And I thought you liked the lockstitched version?

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Curious Aardvark

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Re: PDF leather pouch templates
Reply #38 - Jun 10th, 2014 at 1:43pm
lol - well as I never saw my alligator pouch, in the raw, as it were. I never really thought what template it came from.
nearly 8 years ago now !
I can barely remember what i did yesterday let alone 7 years ago Smiley

I can see it would be something like the butterfly template. Thumbs Up
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Re: PDF leather pouch templates
Reply #39 - Aug 16th, 2014 at 6:03pm
Môn Slinger wrote on Aug 14th, 2012 at 2:27pm:
I made a stitchless butterfly pouch today, and it seems to work very well. This leather is quite stiff compared to the other stuff I have been using. I think 'butterfly' suits better than 'boat', especially since it now has holes in it  Grin

If the cuts are made perfectly (mine weren't) the two edges should butt against each other. I made the holes after crossing the lugs/ears over. It is quite tricky to get the curved cuts to meet neatly in the middle, and next time I will punch a small hole in the angle, as a 'stop'.


As I enjoy punching things! But wouldn't work well on a curved edge.

I did two new things today.  A week ago, I gave my first successful sling away to my nephew.  Today, I made myself a new one based on the pattern above which is fairly similar to what I had figured out on my own, but with deeper cuts.  It's also a bit smaller as I only had so much leather to work with.  It turned out too small and too deep for tennis balls, but just perfect for golf balls.

I also found a good place to really let loose.  500+ yards in front of me plus over 200 yards of room in any other direction so I'd really have to screw up to hurt someone/something.  So, I finally got to take out my ball bearings.  These are golf ball sized spheres of solid steel, they weigh quite a bit more than the tennis balls I've been practicing with so I haven't used them for fear of hitting someone/something. (I live in a large metro area)

But today, I got to use them both.  Tried the golf balls first.  Hadn't used them either for the same fear as above but with less chance of killing someone.  I couldn't get the timing down and they didn't go far.  So I pulled out the ball bearings instead and...


Just about tore the first knuckle off my finger.  The bearing got stuck in the slot between the two strips of leather and didn't want to come out of the deep pocket I'd made.  Just lucky I didn't hit my leg or worse.

Lesson learned.   Cool
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: PDF leather pouch templates
Reply #40 - Aug 16th, 2014 at 11:51pm
Oxnate, nice work.
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Slinging Rocks!

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Re: PDF leather pouch templates
Reply #41 - Sep 7th, 2015 at 3:44pm
I wonder if anyone has new leather pouch templates? Its been over a year since the last post here and I'm looking for leather pouches since I got a bag of scrap leather next to me. I like the butterfly/boat one, and I've also used a 'flat' leather pouch too. Those super cup ones don't appeal to me too often, though I'm sure they work nicely. Maybe someone else can post here showing some new leather pouch designs soon. Smiley
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Slinging Tennis Balls

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Re: PDF leather pouch templates
Reply #42 - Sep 7th, 2015 at 3:54pm
Only one that i use typically is found in this tutorial: http://www.seekyee.com/Slings/howtos/leather2.htm works for most things very well, from rocks to tennis balls. Smiley
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Slinging Rocks!

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Re: PDF leather pouch templates
Reply #43 - Sep 7th, 2015 at 3:59pm
I have two like the ones in that link heh. Do you think if I cut a sliver down the middle, or put a fairly decent sized hole in the center that it would cup my large ammo better? (I know I'd lose the ability to fire small ammo though.) I've had the issue of losing tennis balls on the wind up with this style somehow before I'm ready to release which is why I ask. Though I didn't oil it and try to 'shape' the leather around a tennis ball, so its just a flat pouch pretty much.
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Slinging Tennis Balls

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Re: PDF leather pouch templates
Reply #44 - Sep 7th, 2015 at 6:53pm
Lol, and I molded one and I had the same problem with the ball falling out, after thinking about it, I would just use a Aussie style split pouch out of leather, I typically use old backpack straps but leather should work fine. If you go into the marketplace I think it is you'll find an old topic on the slings he used to give away for free, he was a great guy from what I've heard although he passed sadly a few years ago. Sad
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"You are more loved than you will ever know, by someone who died to know you." Romans 5:8

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