Môn Slinger wrote on Aug 14
th, 2012 at 2:27pm:
I made a stitchless butterfly pouch today, and it seems to work very well. This leather is quite stiff compared to the other stuff I have been using. I think 'butterfly' suits better than 'boat', especially since it now has holes in it

If the cuts are made perfectly (mine weren't) the two edges should butt against each other. I made the holes after crossing the lugs/ears over. It is quite tricky to get the curved cuts to meet neatly in the middle, and next time I will punch a small hole in the angle, as a 'stop'.

As I enjoy punching things! But wouldn't work well on a curved edge.
I did two new things today. A week ago, I gave my first successful sling away to my nephew. Today, I made myself a new one based on the pattern above which is fairly similar to what I had figured out on my own, but with deeper cuts. It's also a bit smaller as I only had so much leather to work with. It turned out too small and too deep for tennis balls, but just perfect for golf balls.
I also found a good place to really let loose. 500+ yards in front of me plus over 200 yards of room in any other direction so I'd really have to screw up to hurt someone/something. So, I finally got to take out my ball bearings. These are golf ball sized spheres of solid steel, they weigh quite a bit more than the tennis balls I've been practicing with so I haven't used them for fear of hitting someone/something. (I live in a large metro area)
But today, I got to use them both. Tried the golf balls first. Hadn't used them either for the same fear as above but with less chance of killing someone. I couldn't get the timing down and they didn't go far. So I pulled out the ball bearings instead and...
Just about tore the first knuckle off my finger. The bearing got stuck in the slot between the two strips of leather and didn't want to come out of the deep pocket I'd made. Just lucky I didn't hit my leg or worse.
Lesson learned.