So on another thread I told the guys I'd tell the story of how my best friend saved another guy from serious injury by taking out a knife wielding belligerent with a sling.
Let's start out with some Chracter build up.
I have pretty much known my friend, whom I will refer to as John (althought that is not his real name), since I was born (from church nursery, though sunday school and, now to Youth Group) and we have been great friends for many years now. I started slinging probably around 3-4 years ago and I gave him a sling a few months after I started. Since then every time he comes over we usualy do some slinging. He is also also around 6ft and stocky and usualy wears BDU's but he's generaly pretty meek and humble (he is also a Christian, like me
So he carries his sling and some safety ammo with him every where he goes, including school.
That morning he had made a new safty ammo by wrapping an old battery in duct tape untill it was a little smaller than a golf ball. He goes to school and before one of the classes 2 guys start getting aggressive. Guy one was reprimanding Guy 2 for being disrespectfull to one of the females in the school(Guy one kinda being like an non related older brother). So the argument got heated and they started shoving and 'John' saw what was happening and was about 10 yards away and put his hand on his sling (with the ammo already being in the pouch). And then Guy 2 pulled a Knife.
The moment John saw the knife he pulled out his sling, stood up and slung the wad of duct tape directly at guy 2 (greek overhand). From the movement and snap of the sling guy number 2 turned just in time to catch the wad right in the temple, and was promptly knocked out. While this was happening the security guard was rushing over with his tazer but was still out of range. So he walks up to the guy on the ground, takes the knife, then picks up the saftey ammo, looks at 'John', looks back at the ammo, and gives the ammo back to John and said "We need to talk later."
So the security guard (whom John knows well) pulls him into his office and tells him that He appreaciated the help from the sling because he wouldn't have been able to get ther before something happeded anyway and that if anything happens legally, he'll vouch for John.
Thankfully this whole thing happened in seconds and very few people saw what had really happened and therefore there was no action taken against John.
John now tells the story quite humbly from time to time admitting that if he tried the shot agian he probably couldn't have hit the guy at all and thanks God for the way it turned out. I am immensly proud of him and greatfull to God.
The End.
Now back to discussion. I wouldn't really suggest using a sling as your main self defence tool. Instead learn a Martial Art like Krav Maga or Kenpo, or if you are Old enough, Buy a gun. But under occasional circumstances the sling can and has been used for self defence, under the hand of a mighty God.