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Archery in Disney movie (Read 9155 times)

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Re: Archery in Disney movie
Reply #15 - Mar 10th, 2012 at 3:43pm
paracordslinger wrote on Mar 10th, 2012 at 12:16am:
It is the only series i have read more(13 times) than Harry potter(11 times) and eragon(9 times)

I BOW TO YOU, MY FRIEND.  Those 3 are some of my favorite series and I have read some of them more than once, but to read Harry Potter 11 times!?!?!  If I had a hat, it would be off. 
If you like those, I would recomend Mistborn and The Way of Kings.  You'd like Mistborn, I think, lots of fun magic.
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Rat Man
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Re: Archery in Disney movie
Reply #16 - Mar 10th, 2012 at 4:08pm
xxkid123 wrote on Mar 2nd, 2012 at 11:40pm:
I agree that Disney has many great masterpieces. Unfortunately, the majority of the movies I grew up watching on standard Disney Channel were pure crap. High School Musical comes out pretty high up there, but there are tons more movies. I personally felt that lots of Disney movies ruined many fables and morals, and changed it into a boy meets girl, boy gets girl, lives happily ever after.

   Yes, I guess it's all a matter of perspective.  To those of us who grew up with NBC's Disney's Wonderful World of Color there's magic associated with the name Disney.  To those mostly familiar with 21st Century Disney maybe not so much so.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: Archery in Disney movie
Reply #17 - Mar 13th, 2012 at 8:11pm
Rat Man wrote on Mar 10th, 2012 at 4:08pm:
xxkid123 wrote on Mar 2nd, 2012 at 11:40pm:
I agree that Disney has many great masterpieces. Unfortunately, the majority of the movies I grew up watching on standard Disney Channel were pure crap. High School Musical comes out pretty high up there, but there are tons more movies. I personally felt that lots of Disney movies ruined many fables and morals, and changed it into a boy meets girl, boy gets girl, lives happily ever after.

  Yes, I guess it's all a matter of perspective.  To those of us who grew up with NBC's Disney's Wonderful World of Color there's magic associated with the name Disney.  To those mostly familiar with 21st Century Disney maybe not so much so.

Disney does have some questionable works. Take Lion King - it's good, yes, but there is a fairly serious case of plagiarism against Disney given just how similar it is to Kimba: The White Lion which came out first.
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Re: Archery in Disney movie
Reply #18 - Mar 14th, 2012 at 9:01pm
Never was much of a Disney fan.  But, I do remember one scene (wife brought me into the room to watch the scene) from the movie Mulan:
"How many messengers does it take to deliver a message?"
[draws his bow]

Very well done, I thought.
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Re: Archery in Disney movie
Reply #19 - Mar 17th, 2012 at 9:39am
Pre-Eisner Disney wasn't pure but good enough.
The company was all about providing the world with the best quality entertainment.
Then Micheal Eisner exploited it for his own pockets.
Pornographic cells began to sneek into the animations. All the princess cartoons are full of hidden "adult" cells.
Do your own research.

As far as archery in the movies goes, I'm still not over Rambo II.
I mean really? Where do they get stunt men who'll allow that?

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(AKA Walker / Visit my Facebook page: at http://www.facebook.com/pages/SiegeMasters/168138883205859 )
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Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Archery in Disney movie
Reply #20 - Mar 17th, 2012 at 11:42am
Eoraptor wrote on Mar 3rd, 2012 at 3:04pm:
Rat Man wrote on Mar 2nd, 2012 at 1:36pm:
xxkid123 wrote on Mar 1st, 2012 at 9:54pm:
It's a shame that Disney has brought such a bad name towards movies. PIXAR is an exception and a great one at that. Its interesting because I had a discussion in class today, where we were talking about modern art. PIXAR was brought up since some people can consider it art in a movie form, since most of their movie's are great hits and usually have a deeper meaning than the average boy meets girl, girl hates bot, boy goes on quest, boy gets girl.

  Disney has brought such a bad name towards movies?  What on earth could that mean?  Disney has, since long before I was born, created MANY timeless animated masterpieces.  Just off the top of my head, Snow White, Bambi, Lady and the Tramp, The Jungle Book, Peter Pan, Cinderella, 101 Dalmatians, etc., etc., etc.  Better yet, check this out:
Your statement leaves me flabbergasted.

They did have some good ones back in the day (I still love them, see Mulan and The Rescuers Down Under), but I don't trust any of their animated movies anymore and they very nearly cut PIXAR's legs out from under them, so I have a bit of a thing against the modern Disney.  If John Carter sucks, I'm going to be unhappy.

Dan wrote on Mar 2nd, 2012 at 8:29am:
I read the whole triology in a little over a week and since then I can't wait untill the movie comes out.
Being a Bowyer and primitive archer I am really hoping the do a good job on the archery tackle and such in the movie.

Me too!  The movie doesn't look bad at the moment, but I don't want to get my hopes up.  I teach classes in 'primitive skills', one day I was teaching a mother and her two daughters how to make cordage.  The girls were so excited, they kept saying 'We are just like Katniss!'.  When they left, I said goodbye to them and tagged 'may the odds be ever in your favor' on the end.  You should have seen their eyes.   Grin

John Carter. Lots of memories associated with that one. Good ones. I was a kid and was wandering around with my Brother. He dared me to go into a burnout house, I did and found the water logged book in a pile of stuff. It was a great book, and story. I tried for years to find the book for my boys, but never could. Not that they would read it. I hope the movie is just as good. as for Disney, you have Davy Crockett, old yeller, flubber and much more. And the Disney channel was ok when I was a kid, but I can also see where you are coming from.
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Rat Man
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Re: Archery in Disney movie
Reply #21 - Mar 27th, 2012 at 4:07pm
ChuckRocks wrote on Mar 17th, 2012 at 9:39am:
Pre-Eisner Disney wasn't pure but good enough.
The company was all about providing the world with the best quality entertainment.
Then Micheal Eisner exploited it for his own pockets.
Pornographic cells began to sneek into the animations. All the princess cartoons are full of hidden "adult" cells.
Do your own research.

As far as archery in the movies goes, I'm still not over Rambo II.
I mean really? Where do they get stunt men who'll allow that?


I thought it was me and I was insane.  Thank you for verifying this.  My little sister and I once heard Donald Duck in one of his insane tirades say the M.F. phrase as clear as day.  We both looked at each other in shock.  Unfortunately this was before the days of VCRs and DVRs so we couldn't play it back, but we were quite certain.  I've seen the visual ones that you refer to and always thought that it was my demented, perverted mind at work. Now I know better.
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Re: Archery in Disney movie
Reply #22 - Mar 27th, 2012 at 9:36pm
Rat Man wrote on Mar 27th, 2012 at 4:07pm:
ChuckRocks wrote on Mar 17th, 2012 at 9:39am:
Pre-Eisner Disney wasn't pure but good enough.
The company was all about providing the world with the best quality entertainment.
Then Micheal Eisner exploited it for his own pockets.
Pornographic cells began to sneek into the animations. All the princess cartoons are full of hidden "adult" cells.
Do your own research.

As far as archery in the movies goes, I'm still not over Rambo II.
I mean really? Where do they get stunt men who'll allow that?


I thought it was me and I was insane.  Thank you for verifying this.  My little sister and I once heard Donald Duck in one of his insane tirades say the M.F. phrase as clear as day.  We both looked at each other in shock.  Unfortunately this was before the days of VCRs and DVRs so we couldn't play it back, but we were quite certain.  I've seen the visual ones that you refer to and always thought that it was my demented, perverted mind at work. Now I know better.

Disney played a part in the perversion.
It's not all your fault.
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(AKA Walker / Visit my Facebook page: at http://www.facebook.com/pages/SiegeMasters/168138883205859 )
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: Archery in Disney movie
Reply #23 - Mar 28th, 2012 at 2:41am
Breaking news ! the film and music industry has been bought and sold to raise wicked children for a wicked system  Wink Yes the awakening to truth can hurt ,but still worth it imo.
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Rat Man
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Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Archery in Disney movie
Reply #24 - Apr 10th, 2012 at 9:07am
Speaking of archery in movies, this scene from Deliverance is one of the best ever.  Nice shot, Burt!  Warning:  Much nastiness here.
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Curious Aardvark
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Re: Archery in Disney movie
Reply #25 - Apr 10th, 2012 at 3:01pm
I was looking up reviews of kid icarus uprising this morning (debating whether the control system is just too awful to justify buying the game) and came across another of that geekdad blokes archery centric reviews of a film - he really really really, really hates hawkeye in the upcoming Avengers movie.

And a brief taster:
In a few interviews last year, Renner said he was taking archery lessons in preparation for the role, but from what I see here, it looks like he (a) had no coach and was entirely self-taught; (b) had an incompetent coach (there are many out there); or (c) is a terrible student and refused to do what his coach told him.

He starts to get worked up after that lol

As for pornographic cells in disney animation - people see what they want to see.
The mind is an amazing thing.
Look up the phrase: 'urban myth'  Wink
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