I'm going to leak over from my New Book topic and engage in some more shameless self promotion. I think you will find that our book,
Slings & Slingstones, The Forgotten Weapons of Oceania and the Americas, just published (finally) by the Kent State University Press, addresses many of the questions posed here. It is currently a featured book at, and can be purchased at,
www.kentstateuniversitypress.com , also available thru other online vendors like Amazon and B&N, who are offering it at a lower price.
I do want to say a couple things. Lovelock Cave was not quite the only site which yielded pre-Columbian slings in N. America. Slings were also recovered from nearby Humboldt Cave, Nevada. These dated younger than the Lovelock sling, to ca. 2000 years ago (YA). Also, it appears that the oldest, surviving, slings in the world, RC dated to more than 4000 YA, were recovered from Peruvian Preceramic sites. The simple reference for this info. is, "see our book". But other than that, a ref. for Humboldt Cave is:
The Archaeology of Humboldt Cave, Churchill County, Nevada, 1956, by Robert F. Heizer and Alex D. Krieger. Refs for Peruvian Preceramic slings are:
The Preceramic Excavations at Huaca Prieta Chicama Valley, Peru, 1985, by Junius B. Bird and John Hyslop;
Chavin and the Origins of Andean Civilization, 1992, by Richard L. Burger;
A Preceramic Settlement on the Central Coast of Peru, Asia, Unit 1, 1963, by Frederick Engel.