Bill Skinner wrote on Jan 17
th, 2012 at 10:42pm:
Crow Hat, a couple of questions, 1. What pattern or style of bow are you making and 2. Why so wide in the grip?
1. It's a planned future project, but a D-bow, that is, a bend-through-handle design (probably maple, if not then oak)
2. I've done some research around and generally for a D-bow, since the grips aren't reinforces like other types of longbows, the grips aren't supposed to be narrowed or else they will break. Or so I've heard.
The point in this project is one day I hope to hunt with a primitive bow I built myself, preferably one of these D-bows. I like the design because I can have a more maneuverable bow that is about a 10" shorter than the one I'm in the process of building right now (poorfolkbows board bow), The design I'm currently looking at is similar to this, but shorter, closer to 60" (which is still quite long for a D-bow apparently) The bottom picture of the handle, which is stated to be 1.25" wide.
EDIT: Scratch out the part about building one right now, it just cracked somewhere tonight... on to the next one