Mauro Fiorentini
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Forge your future with the hammer of your mind!
Posts: 3442
Ancona, Italy.
Lucky you!
I went to the Archaeological Museum of my town yesterday (please note... a National Museum, something quite important) with a couple of friends because they told me there would have been a re-enactment group showing off Roman's weaponry evolution through the years... from archaic period to late Imperial.
We went there and I said: oh damn! I recognized some people under the helmets, they were acting as Elves during medieval-style parties some years ago... oh well people grow up I said... the very same persons built a Celtic branches hut 2 years ago - assuming that during the Third Century b.C. a powerful culture such as the Senonian Gauls had yet to discover either the brick and the roof tile. But at least their purpose was good, and I had really a strong hope that they would have improved more and better.
But no: lacks in clothing, brass harness instead of bronze ones, imaginative armors.
What's worst? that the Museum's Deputy Director is fond of them; she's going to open shelves to allow them to measure and photograph any item they want, plus she's going to give them any documentation about these items, even if unpublished.
While I have to dribble Museum's surveillance to make a couple of quick shots at the sword I want to forge using a hypotetical, yet historically plausible Iron Age forge and my arms - no electric tools at all - how am I supposed to understand ancient's habits if I simply make some quick replica??
It's frustrating, I hate when experimental archaeology is used as an excuse to role play inside official Institutions such as the Museum!
Greetings, Mauro.