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1 Hour Easy Metal Crossbow (Read 5847 times)

Slinging Rocks!

Posts: 2
1 Hour Easy Metal Crossbow
Nov 3rd, 2011 at 6:19am
Hey everyone, I'm not exactly new here, I've been stalking these forums for a bit in preparation for making my full scale medieval 100% working crossbow ^.^ But I HAD to make an account to post a pretty nifty idea I had yesterday.
Well, I basically I made a 1/3 scale crossbow as a sort of prototype for my big one next week. And yeah I used a 30cm metal ruler as the bow part (prod) !! Cheesy
It works beautifully. If anyone wants to make one, it's really easy and infact I made it in less than an hour while watching Criminal Minds last night.
To make, I found a suitable piece of wood in the back yard to use as a stock. With the ruler, it's just a regular 20cm metal ruler which I drilled an extra hole on the other end. Then I (With the help of a drill) made a slit at the end of it to fit the metal ruler nice and tight. I then secured it with superglue. So then I used a rasp to make a rail for the bolt to run down and strung the bow nice and tight. After checking how far it could be cocked, I made a 90 degree cut for the string to rest on after being pulled back and drilled a hole down to the bottom of that to have a trigger mechanism. You dont need a trigger mechanism, you can just push the string up with your fingers, but triggers are always cool Wink
Here are some pictures:



Pretty good for an hours work aye Wink

You guys will probably think I'm silly, but its just something you can whip up if you're looking for a few laughs at school maybe. Be careful though, I broke 7 pens and made a guy bleed today Tongue (He told me to shoot him, I'm not sadistic..)

EDIT: Seems like the pictures arent coming up so I posted the link instead Smiley
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« Last Edit: Nov 3rd, 2011 at 8:44am by Curious Aardvark »  
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Curious Aardvark
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Re: 1 Hour Easy Metal Crossbow
Reply #1 - Nov 3rd, 2011 at 8:46am
lol well I've got to commend the desing and build.
looks pretty good too.

But not sure that shooting people - even if they ask you to - is a good idea.
As far as the pics go - you have to right click the image itself and select copy image location. Use that url instead of the page url itself. and then it works.





I've removed the slashes so you can see the urls are quite different Smiley
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Slinging Rocks!

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Re: 1 Hour Easy Metal Crossbow
Reply #2 - Nov 4th, 2011 at 1:41pm
Shooting people with crossbow-propelled pens has to be a bad idea almost no matter what.

But the crossbow design, thats cool.  I`ll have to take a look at metal rulers tomorrow. 

I`m thinking... a long one, a shorter one behind it, and maybe even an even shorter one behind that one... I`ll have to look into metal rulers Wink

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Slinging Rocks!

Posts: 2
Re: 1 Hour Easy Metal Crossbow
Reply #3 - Nov 4th, 2011 at 11:01pm
Thanks guys Smiley Yeah I know, it was pretty tempting though Wink
Anyway, today's the day I make my 1 metre crossbow, should be good Ill post some pictures when it's done
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Re: 1 Hour Easy Metal Crossbow
Reply #4 - Nov 19th, 2011 at 11:51am
Now I'm looking at my 18-inch rulers thinking "Hmmmm....I know I use those all the time, but...."
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Re: 1 Hour Easy Metal Crossbow
Reply #5 - Dec 26th, 2011 at 1:49pm
18inch ruler?
Nope- I'm looking at the leaf springs under my neighbors' truck..... Cool
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: 1 Hour Easy Metal Crossbow
Reply #6 - Dec 26th, 2011 at 7:24pm
Using an automotive leaf spring is a possibility, but requires a lot of work to do right.  A leaf spring is not "tillered" properly.   It has to be ground careflully so that, like any bow, it bends progressively.
This generates such heat that the spring must be re-tempered after grinding.

Much easier to simply buy a professionally made prod from Alchem:


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Re: 1 Hour Easy Metal Crossbow
Reply #7 - Dec 27th, 2011 at 2:15am
Bikewer wrote on Dec 26th, 2011 at 7:24pm:
Using an automotive leaf spring is a possibility, but requires a lot of work to do right.  A leaf spring is not "tillered" properly.   It has to be ground careflully so that, like any bow, it bends progressively.
This generates such heat that the spring must be re-tempered after grinding.

Who said it had to be ground, a hack saw would do the job with no heat build up.
If you love buying saw blades that is  Roll Eyes
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: 1 Hour Easy Metal Crossbow
Reply #8 - Dec 27th, 2011 at 8:47am
A hacksaw might let you taper the profile of the spring, but it still would not be tillered.
If you look at historic steel prods, they are progressively tapered as to thickness just as a longbow would be.
Tapered in profile would be better, but not optimum.
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Re: 1 Hour Easy Metal Crossbow
Reply #9 - Jan 15th, 2012 at 7:54pm
see, now we are getting into the serious stuff.  I think the kind of crossbow this started out with is the kind of thing you mess around with in the back yard.  It's like the bows that my lil' brother made out of a disposable Bic and a rubber band.  He put a hole through both ends, strung the rubber band through, and used the ink cartridge as an arrow.  It flew pretty straight for about 15-20 feet, and it had no problem punching through cardboard.  They have now been banned at his school...
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Re: 1 Hour Easy Metal Crossbow
Reply #10 - Jan 24th, 2012 at 9:46pm
johnny108 wrote on Dec 26th, 2011 at 1:49pm:
18inch ruler?
Nope- I'm looking at the leaf springs under my neighbors' truck..... Cool

I've already got the leaf springs from my neighbor's truck.
I just can't cock the stupid thing. Seems they're rated at 7,000 Lbs.
And no, I don't want to shoot pens.
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Mauro Fiorentini
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Re: 1 Hour Easy Metal Crossbow
Reply #11 - Jan 25th, 2012 at 6:55am
I should post pictures of my crossbow.... soon  Cheesy
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