Hey everyone, I'm not exactly new here, I've been stalking these forums for a bit in preparation for making my full scale medieval 100% working crossbow ^.^ But I HAD to make an account to post a pretty nifty idea I had yesterday.
Well, I basically I made a 1/3 scale crossbow as a sort of prototype for my big one next week. And yeah I used a 30cm metal ruler as the bow part (prod) !!

It works beautifully. If anyone wants to make one, it's really easy and infact I made it in less than an hour while watching Criminal Minds last night.
To make, I found a suitable piece of wood in the back yard to use as a stock. With the ruler, it's just a regular 20cm metal ruler which I drilled an extra hole on the other end. Then I (With the help of a drill) made a slit at the end of it to fit the metal ruler nice and tight. I then secured it with superglue. So then I used a rasp to make a rail for the bolt to run down and strung the bow nice and tight. After checking how far it could be cocked, I made a 90 degree cut for the string to rest on after being pulled back and drilled a hole down to the bottom of that to have a trigger mechanism. You dont need a trigger mechanism, you can just push the string up with your fingers, but triggers are always cool

Here are some pictures:
http://imageshack.us/f/802/dsc0932.jpgPretty good for an hours work aye

You guys will probably think I'm silly, but its just something you can whip up if you're looking for a few laughs at school maybe. Be careful though, I broke 7 pens and made a guy bleed today

(He told me to shoot him, I'm not sadistic..)
EDIT: Seems like the pictures arent coming up so I posted the link instead