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Oak warbow? (Read 7698 times)
Thunder Chief

Don't Panic!

Posts: 838
Re: Oak warbow?
Reply #15 - Sep 14th, 2011 at 4:45pm
Today I finished, mostly, the bow that I've been working on.  It's a single piece of red oak backed with drywall tape, which is none too attractive, but is quite effective (although the yellow grid pattern does grow on you).  It bends through the handle and draws 45# at 32".  It's a little lighter than I would have liked, but it works and that's all I can ask for at this early stage.  I'll see about getting a picture up once I put some finish on it.

On a side topic, if you're drawing to the corner of the jaw, what do you use as an anchor point?  There's nothing quite as prominent as the corner of the mouth in that area.
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Re: Oak warbow?
Reply #16 - Sep 14th, 2011 at 6:56pm
i'd get a good piece of bamboo backing for it. these can be found many places but i would personally recommend rudderbows. with a bamboo back a red oak warbow of those dementions could pretty much be made as heavy as you want up to 120 lbs or so. Just make sure it's long enough and wide enough for the weight. as far as cross sections i wouldn't recommend a D cross section with red oak. make it a bit more of a flattened D.
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