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Giving a sling to a friend... (Read 4442 times)
Mauro Fiorentini

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Ancona, Italy.
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Giving a sling to a friend...
Sep 6th, 2011 at 7:45am
Hallo there!
As you may know, these are bad times here in Italy. General uneasiness is leading to unrest, which is embodied in strikes and demonstrations.
Sometimes, luckily not so often, those strikes ends in riots, with policemen charging the protesters, and some of the protesters answering with violence.
During the last riot in Val di Susa, some protesters used slings to face the police.
I belong to an association which organizes strikes, and we managed to gain a community center.
A close friend of mine will soon celebrate her birthday, and as she saw me slinging, she was immediately fascinated by the sling (not by me, unfortunately  Angry ).
I would like to give her a sling for her birthday, but she's a little younger than me, and still hot-headed. I don't want her to eventually use her sling against another human being, for example during a strike.
I was thinking that the better way was to talk with her, and try to explain that using violence during our strikes, would delegitimize them.
What else do you suggest me?
I would really like to let her know the pleasure of slinging... without damaging anyone!
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Mauro Fiorentini - 339-525
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Re: Giving a sling to a friend...
Reply #1 - Sep 6th, 2011 at 7:56am
I would go with your instinct on this one. It's never a great idea IMHO to give a weapon to someone who is controlled by their emotions to an extent that they might use it in violence.

You might be doing her a big favor by not giving her one. No matter how much someone says they understand about the danger involved, when they get in the heat of the moment, they can do some really stupid things.

I just wouldn't chance it.
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Mauro Fiorentini

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Ancona, Italy.
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Re: Giving a sling to a friend...
Reply #2 - Sep 6th, 2011 at 8:28am
Perhaps it's better to wait for her to mature?
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Mauro Fiorentini - 339-525
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Bill Skinner

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Re: Giving a sling to a friend...
Reply #3 - Sep 6th, 2011 at 8:57am
I agree with Morphy.  Unless you want the same laws and regulations that firearms, knives, spears and other weapons have, I would wait a while until she matures a little more and learns to control her emotions.  Bill
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Mauro Fiorentini

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Ancona, Italy.
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Re: Giving a sling to a friend...
Reply #4 - Sep 6th, 2011 at 1:19pm
Mmmm... agree.
Luckily, she seem to be on the way to do so  Smiley
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Mauro Fiorentini - 339-525
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Dilyan Ganev
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Re: Giving a sling to a friend...
Reply #5 - Sep 6th, 2011 at 2:11pm
Wait a bit until she's ready for the responsibility...
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: Giving a sling to a friend...
Reply #6 - Sep 6th, 2011 at 4:00pm
I'm going to go with waiting a bit. Also, ignore age entirely when it comes to gauging maturity, there are some very young level headed people who use slings responsibly, and some older people who shouldn't be trusted with so much as a nerf gun.
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Mauro Fiorentini

Forge your future with
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Posts: 3442
Ancona, Italy.
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Re: Giving a sling to a friend...
Reply #7 - Sep 6th, 2011 at 5:21pm
Oh yeah, this's true, age doesn't matter!
I'll wait until I see her mind has evolved  Smiley
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Mauro Fiorentini - 339-525
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Delaware, USA
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Re: Giving a sling to a friend...
Reply #8 - Sep 7th, 2011 at 8:43pm
I would give her some flowers and ask her to go to a movie with me. Then find a movie with slinging. Wink
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: Giving a sling to a friend...
Reply #9 - Sep 7th, 2011 at 9:23pm
1. Give her the sling. Teach her how to sling. Tell her not to sling at people or things during demonstrations. Gives you a chance to talk to her a lot.


2. Do not give her the sling, and tell her why. Gives you the occasion to talk to her a lot, too.


3. Talk to her a lot to decide whether you should give her the sling or not.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: Giving a sling to a friend...
Reply #10 - Sep 7th, 2011 at 9:29pm
If you give her the sling, make sure she has the OMG moment with it before you let her loose Wink.

That's the moment most of us have had when we realize the sling really can kill people. The first time she gets the timing right, probably.

Good luck in all your endeavors Grin.
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Mauro Fiorentini

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Ancona, Italy.
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Re: Giving a sling to a friend...
Reply #11 - Sep 8th, 2011 at 6:25am
@ bigkahuna: ok for the flowers, but she's not the movie-loving type. Perhaps I'll ask her to go watching at the stars with me. We've got this isolated mountain, the Conero, and there're plenty of wonderful viewpoints. It's somewhat mysterious and suggestive, very romantic at night. If wolves or boars don't come close.  Grin

@ Thearos: number 3 done. Now to give her flowers and ask for a walk at the Conero  Cheesy

By the way, wanderer gave me an idea.
The OMG moment.
I got it after incindentally killing a cat, and another terrible event that taught me to hate violence.
Perhaps she needs to kill some animal first?
Perhaps she needs to understand how it feels to hurt someone?
What do you think, ho do you avoid violence? And why?
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Mauro Fiorentini - 339-525
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Dilyan Ganev
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Re: Giving a sling to a friend...
Reply #12 - Sep 8th, 2011 at 7:33am
Fear is not the greatest teacher, especially for women...Show the power of the sling without killing anything...Try a slinging in the starry night Smiley:)Smiley I personally avoid violence using understanding of the situation(here on the Balkans we have a lot of misunderstanding and cliches )
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Mauro Fiorentini

Forge your future with
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Posts: 3442
Ancona, Italy.
Gender: male
Re: Giving a sling to a friend...
Reply #13 - Sep 8th, 2011 at 7:42am
Know what, I'm thinking about it... perhaps we've gotten unused to violence?
I mean, I've been studying some African tribes for my thesis, and in these context violence is part of everyday's life.
Perhaps for this reason, they've got a bigger respect for living beings than we have.
Look, you might fall on the sidewalk, and citizens passing by would ignore you...
I don't know, I'm just making assumptions... but I've had a car accident that taught me a lot... maybe it's different for each of us...?
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Mauro Fiorentini - 339-525
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Posts: 1360
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Re: Giving a sling to a friend...
Reply #14 - Sep 8th, 2011 at 10:11am
Mauro Fiorentini wrote on Sep 8th, 2011 at 6:25am:
The OMG moment.
I got it after incindentally killing a cat, and another terrible event that taught me to hate violence.

I don't think violence is necessarily part of it.

In my case the OMG moment came this way.

I spent quite some time a few years ago walking along  a canal which marks part of the Roman Empire's northerly border (not the whole thing, just a little bit repeatedly Wink) and had just made my first sling.
For several days I had managed to throw stones about as far as I could throw them by hand. Sometimes they even just got over to the other side of the canal.
Coming back tired after a long walk, I had a shot at a forested hill on which those pesky Romans had built one of their forts. The timing came just right for the first time, and almost effortlessly the rock (probably about 70gm) flew across the canal into a tree. It hit with a sound like a sledge hammer, birds flew out of it, and leaves fell off it. After that I had no doubt the sling was a lethal weapon and I realized I had to be careful with it.

As far as us moderns being shielded from violence, I agree to a certain  extent. I think there would be a difference in many people's attitudes towards violence if they spent a few nights in a hospital emergency room, or witnessed the results of a serious car crash, for example.
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