here's a quickie on Naschiiti sniper's slings. are the two slings i got (directly from naschiiti snipers own pictures)
The Balearian
Durability: 10 extremely tough, both are made from nice leather, and the balearian is from ultra thick leather. if anything the cords will be long gone before the leather shows any wear. the only problem is that it is finished in a rubber cement coating (for ease of stamping), which comes off with prolonged exposure to water (submersion really). if you don't like it you can ask him for it to be not finished, so that you can add on your own finish that you can reapply once in a long while.
fit and finish: 10 just look at his site and his pictures. these slings are works of art. the constructions is great, and all rivets can be removed for cleaning, cords are easily exchanged and the design is well stamped and cut.
functionality: 7 it's a great sling, and performs well, hwoever i foudn the pouch leather just a little
too thick and heavy, seriously putting down my range from 100 yards to 50. the finger loop was also only whipped, and so after some slinging the finger loop would tighten up, and i would have to readjust it. however, i added a drop of super glue to the loop and it's perfect now.
price: 9 really great price, 12 dollars for the sling, maybe a little more for special designs that you might want cut in. the thing is a masterpiece, and i'm quite sure the leather used is almost as expensive, not to mention the price of shipping it (free shipping). i would give it an 11 if there weren't slings out there being made in south america, tibet, etc that are made for only 6-10 dollars.
shipping seller: 11 the seller was extremely nice, and it was great working out a trade between us. normally paying for it would also be free shipping. got here very quickly as well. what's more, when we worked out the trade i made a few mistakes in my wording, causing the seller to misunderstand me. he sent me only the balearian, and not another shepherds boy jr. rather than him not sending another one, or reimbursing me, he actually sent me a praetorian guard as an apology. if that ain't customer service than nothing is.
OVERALL RATING: 10/10 great sling, great man, great price, what more can you ask for? i would pay two times as much for it.
and the praetorian guard 
sexy huh?
Durability: 9 again, thick (although thinner than the last) strong leather with nylon cords. normal wear and tear on the cords is expected and even stated on his site, so you might need to replace them.
fit and finish: 10 again, well and deeply stamped, the coloring in it is very hardy and no sign of fading at all. extremely smooth and just one nice piece of leather with strong evenly placed rivets.
functionality: 8 works great, and i like it a lot. only complaint is the way the cords are attached to the pouch. i prefer to have a single anchor pint that is whipped and stitched. the shape of the pouch does not allow this and it can't be helped, so i guess i'm just being nit picky.
price: 10 ten dollars for such a master piece. really great and i think this man should be an artist.
Shipping/Seller: 10 shipping was fast, and the seller was great. i ordered the shepherds boy jr, but i made a mistake i nthe transaction. rather than Mr Larron sending another, or telling me no, he sent me this as an apology. really nice guy ,and it was a joy talking to him.
OVERALL RATING: 9 really great sling and customer service. only thing i don't like is the cords attachment to the pouch. again i like a single anchor point on an eliptical pouch, and this is a square pouch with two attachment points. i'm being nit picky i know, as this cannot be helped and others might prefer it. oh well YMMV
i'll try and get one for the captain paul and the amdocraft later (unless someone beat me to it).