Interfector Viris Spurii

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Posts: 1627
St. Louis, Mo
Since I started fooling with martial arts as a young lad in the late 50s, there were no DVDs. Or much else, for that matter. Books were what I had, and books have been a source of information for many years. (Some people are better than others at "book learning", for some reason I'm fairly good at it.) At any rate, if you can glean technique from the printed page and illustrations, then by all means. However, this cannot be the only form of instruction. When I got into the army at age 17 and started to spar with folks who had actually had some instruction, I found I had a good handle on the basics but almost none on the actual timing of blows, blocks, and the like.
If one is forced to work alone, there are a great many devices one can construct to make training more realistic.... But at some point you are going to have to enlist the aid of actual human opponents.
Compared to what I experienced as a youngster, the student today has comparatively vast resources available, even on the most obscure arts imaginable.