Sons of benjamin
Latvian Braid
as a note, remember that for the purposes of making a sling you can modify this braid in order to created pouches, loops, etc. I see a lot of potential in this braid for making netted pouches. Also, this is the only flat braid that I've come across that doesn't twist up ( if you do it correctly). Another very important thing to note is that for this tutorial I have used strands of relatively the same size. In the technically correct form of this braid, the two middle strands (pink in step 1) should be thicker than the two outer strands (blue in step 1). You can use doubled middle strands if you like. I personally think it looks fine the way I have done it here, but that is up to you.
step 1
You should start off with eight strands, four on each 'side' of the braid. The middle two strands are colored pink and the outer two are colored blue for this tutorial. Also, I am using what I call a 'trainer' section of strings, as I use this relatively short section of cord to teach myself and others how to braid different styles.