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Bronze Trilobal Arrowheads. (Read 6396 times)
Interfector Viris Spurii

Take that

Posts: 3417
Re: Bronze Trilobal Arrowheads.
Reply #15 - Apr 9th, 2011 at 5:20am
No, not everything has been stolen in Greece. There's lots of good sites and museums, well known and off the beaten track.

I would second Mauro's question: why did Paleoarts' friend haft these ? It a rather unusual way of treating objects found in an archaeological dig. (for instance, it doesn't help with studying them). The only reason I can think for doing this is for exhibition in a museum-- but you'd do that with a replica.

And to second Mauro's other question: where were these found ?

The objects really don't look Greek (though I suppose they could be Mycenaean, i.e. early). I'd like to know where they were found-- that would answer the question.

To be blunt: your friend isn't simply very interested in the archaeology of ancient Greece-- to the point of buying unprovenanced antiquities ? The illegal extraction of these causes untold damage to the archaeological record, and precisely deprives us of knowlege such as "where does this come from ?" and "how was this used ?"
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Interfector Viris Spurii

it don't mean a thing
if you aint got that

Posts: 1993
oceanside, CA
Gender: male
Re: Bronze Trilobal Arrowheads.
Reply #16 - Apr 12th, 2011 at 9:44am
Thearos, my acquaintance is one of the leading experts here in the U.S. on ancient Greece and a fully tenured professor at a major university and he didn't buy any 'unprovenanced antiques'. these were either dug by his own hand or given to him by the university (i'm not sure which), but either way you can be sure that they were obtained legitimately. the hafting is simply the spine of the heads inserted in a hole and in no way damaged the points. like i said, there are literally tens of thousands of these arrow heads in his schools collection alone, so it isn't as if he was destroying priceless artifacts. he hafted them to show us (the group of primitive archers) how the greeks did it, and frankly your assumptions about him and his motives are a bit insulting.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Take that

Posts: 3417
Re: Bronze Trilobal Arrowheads.
Reply #17 - Apr 12th, 2011 at 10:32am

Let me get this right: to show some archers how ancient arrows were hafted, he got these things-- from a museum ? from his own collection ?— and hafted them ? On the grounds that "we've got lots more" (not thousands; even the dig at Olynthos did not yield thousands of arrows and sling bullets; nor are battlefields excavated on a regular basis; and they do not yield thousands of arrowheads; and they wouldn't quite look like those-- more usual would be trilobal small points, and big bronze hooked Cretan ones)

The question still remains: where were these found ? If a recent dig, I wonder why they're in the US and not in Greece (I thought that removing any artifacts, especially from digs, was forbidden by law). Could be one of the older American-run digs-- but which one ?

And a new question: who is your friend ? Just curious.

To put it differently: the arrowheads look a bit odd, the explanation ("Thousands of these things !") is so cavalier, the treatment of actual artifacts so blunt, that I thought this was an amateur archaeologist flaunting his illegally acquired antiquities, a subject about which I feel strongly because it depletes a finite resource, the material remains from the past; on this subject, see my favorite blog


--which is why I assumed what I did. There was no insult meant; but probing questions, yes.
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