Last time I checked Germany was capitalist... [/quote]
I believe that Dan was refering the the concept of Socialism being the governmental policy of high regulation and government subsidies for social welfare, not the economic theory of socialism with common ownership. Socialism has become the catch-all term for big government.
My question is, if guns are so regulated doesn't making a slingshot with switchblades and mace break the spirit of those laws? And does he want to get slingshots banned, too? [/quote]
Right on,

although germany may be capitalist, many of eastern europe's polocies are socialist, example ; gun control, goverment health care, government school, etc. In a country where the government fears the people is a repubublic but, when the people fear the government, this is tyarranny.
Also socialism is easier to say than "Large federal govement getting involved in the private matters of the people when they are not supposed to as outlined in the Constitution and the Bible "
And some Founding Father quotes "Those who sacrifice fredom for security will enjoy neither."
"A Govenment big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take it all away."