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switch blade slingshot (Read 7333 times)
Curious Aardvark
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switch blade slingshot
Dec 30th, 2010 at 7:04am

My main comment is WHY ??????????????

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Mauro Fiorentini
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Re: switch blade slingshot
Reply #1 - Dec 30th, 2010 at 7:18am
This man is truly an anti-social.
If I was that big, I wouldn't care about that "weapon" for my self defense  Cheesy
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Re: switch blade slingshot
Reply #2 - Dec 30th, 2010 at 8:40am
They can't all be good ideas. I have watched many of this guys videos and he is as obsessed with sling shots as most of us are with slings. He is just trying too hard to improve something that doesn't need improvement.
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Interfector Viris Spurii
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Re: switch blade slingshot
Reply #3 - Dec 30th, 2010 at 5:21pm
This guy has pretty much mastered making slingshots and probably just got bored, I think the mace is pretty neat but if I were to make a multiple use combat slingshot I think I would have brass knuckles, and maybe mace designed to come out the bottom of the handle, but the knives make it a little "over the top".
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I was pretty good at slinging like 10 years ago.
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Re: switch blade slingshot
Reply #4 - Dec 30th, 2010 at 5:47pm
Some of his prototypes are quite ingenious. This one, eh not so much.  Grin
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Fx 2000

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Re: switch blade slingshot
Reply #5 - Dec 30th, 2010 at 6:58pm

Jörg is a little bit creasy, and some of his slingshots to, so no more comment of this thing  Grin

The "V" he create with help of some guys in the german CO2-forum is a verry clever cunstruktion. I have two of this slingshots, and they are awesome.
He is verry creative but not always successful.

Greetings and a good 2011 from Germany, Michel
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Rat Man
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Re: switch blade slingshot
Reply #6 - Jan 3rd, 2011 at 3:03pm
If I was so paranoid that I needed something like that I'd just carry a gun.  If you ever used something like that to "defend" yourself with they'd lock you up and throw away the key. In all fairness, in a way it is clever.
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Interfector Viris Spurii
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Re: switch blade slingshot
Reply #7 - Jan 4th, 2011 at 8:24am
Rat Man wrote on Jan 3rd, 2011 at 3:03pm:
If I was so paranoid that I needed something like that I'd just carry a gun.  If you ever used something like that to "defend" yourself with they'd lock you up and throw away the key. In all fairness, in a way it is clever.

Thats what I love about the USA where carrying a gun is very easy in almost all of the united states, however in a high goverment socialist europe carrying a gun is probably a really big hassle, although jorg says he owns guns he prefers the sling shots because he can actually carry and shoot them, he said you can't even shoot a bb gun in your yard that you have to use it inside or at a shooting range Shocked . Hence the hobby of making sling shots.
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I was pretty good at slinging like 10 years ago.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: switch blade slingshot
Reply #8 - Jan 4th, 2011 at 9:39am
Truly a waste of time. A gun and two knives would be more concealable and effective. And Jörg looks like he could just pull somebody's head off if he got into a physical confrontation.
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Re: switch blade slingshot
Reply #9 - Jan 5th, 2011 at 9:21pm
Dan wrote on Jan 4th, 2011 at 8:24am:
Rat Man wrote on Jan 3rd, 2011 at 3:03pm:
If I was so paranoid that I needed something like that I'd just carry a gun.  If you ever used something like that to "defend" yourself with they'd lock you up and throw away the key. In all fairness, in a way it is clever.

Thats what I love about the USA where carrying a gun is very easy in almost all of the united states, however in a high goverment socialist europe carrying a gun is probably a really big hassle, although jorg says he owns guns he prefers the sling shots because he can actually carry and shoot them, he said you can't even shoot a bb gun in your yard that you have to use it inside or at a shooting range Shocked . Hence the hobby of making sling shots.    

Last time I checked Germany was capitalist...
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Re: switch blade slingshot
Reply #10 - Jan 5th, 2011 at 11:10pm
picklepie159 wrote on Jan 5th, 2011 at 9:21pm:
Dan wrote on Jan 4th, 2011 at 8:24am:
Rat Man wrote on Jan 3rd, 2011 at 3:03pm:
If I was so paranoid that I needed something like that I'd just carry a gun.  If you ever used something like that to "defend" yourself with they'd lock you up and throw away the key. In all fairness, in a way it is clever.

Thats what I love about the USA where carrying a gun is very easy in almost all of the united states, however in a high goverment socialist europe carrying a gun is probably a really big hassle, although jorg says he owns guns he prefers the sling shots because he can actually carry and shoot them, he said you can't even shoot a bb gun in your yard that you have to use it inside or at a shooting range Shocked . Hence the hobby of making sling shots.    

Last time I checked Germany was capitalist...

I believe that Dan was refering the the concept of Socialism being the governmental policy of high regulation and government subsidies for social welfare, not the economic theory of socialism with common ownership. Socialism has become the catch-all term for big government.

My question is, if guns are so regulated doesn't making a slingshot with switchblades and mace break the spirit of those laws? And does he want to get slingshots banned, too?
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Pikåru wrote on Nov 19th, 2013 at 6:59pm:
Massi - WTF? It's called a sling. You use it to throw rocks farther and faster than you could otherwise. That's all. 
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kuggur slingdog
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Re: switch blade slingshot
Reply #11 - Jan 6th, 2011 at 7:11pm
Oh, this construction is most certainly banned in most european countries. Good thing too.
About Dan´s  simplistic political views; he actually believes Great Britain to be a tyranny (because of their restrictive weapon laws), so calling all european countries "socialist" doesn´t really surprise me.
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Re: switch blade slingshot
Reply #12 - Jan 7th, 2011 at 1:19am
Ummmm...I'm speechless. Some of his other ideas are really good. Have to pass on this one though. For self defense, I really like my .22 or my .45 auto.

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Interfector Viris Spurii
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Re: switch blade slingshot
Reply #13 - Jan 7th, 2011 at 9:28am
Last time I checked Germany was capitalist... [/quote]
I believe that Dan was refering the the concept of Socialism being the governmental policy of high regulation and government subsidies for social welfare, not the economic theory of socialism with common ownership. Socialism has become the catch-all term for big government.

My question is, if guns are so regulated doesn't making a slingshot with switchblades and mace break the spirit of those laws? And does he want to get slingshots banned, too? [/quote]

Right on, Wink although germany may be capitalist, many of eastern europe's polocies are socialist, example ; gun control, goverment health care, government school, etc.  In a country where the government fears the people is a repubublic but, when the people fear the government, this is tyarranny.

Also socialism is easier to say than "Large federal govement getting involved in the private matters of the people when they are not supposed to as outlined in the Constitution and the Bible "

And some Founding Father quotes "Those who sacrifice fredom for security will enjoy neither."        
"A Govenment big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take it all away."
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« Last Edit: Jan 17th, 2011 at 3:03pm by Dan »  

I was pretty good at slinging like 10 years ago.
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Slinging Rocks!

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Eatonville, Washington
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Re: switch blade slingshot
Reply #14 - Jan 10th, 2011 at 6:32pm
If someone really loves what they're making, this is reason enough to make it (within reason of course.  I'm not advocating that private citizens be making weapons of mass destruction in their basements).  Sometimes they make it just to show that they can and if this entertains them, then great!  But I don't see it as practical for me personally.
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