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A new rattan bow (Read 2643 times)
Mauro Fiorentini
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Posts: 3442
Ancona, Italy.
Gender: male
A new rattan bow
Dec 28th, 2010 at 12:14pm
Hallo everybody,
you've been talking about bow hunting so much that I felt the need of making a new one! I had a rattan pole of the right dimensions and an old rope, and in a couple of hour I have make my new bow (the old one was beginning to show its age  Angry ).
Now I have got a question: how do you measure the power of a bow?
I mean, I actually use a 55# one, but the 2 bows I have at home are not that powerful; I simply have this curiosity and would like to measure them.
The new one is 147 centimeters tall (57,8 inches); how could I measure it?
I can easily open it behind my ear, thus reaching the full distance between the arrowhead and the arrow tail.
I use 90 centimeters arrows (about 35,4 inches), so is my bow a 35# one?

I'm really curious, I've been practicing archery for years but I have never had the willing to know how powerful are my bows!

Many thanks on your help!
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Mauro Fiorentini - 339-525
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Slinging.org Moderator


Posts: 8230
Re: A new rattan bow
Reply #1 - Dec 28th, 2010 at 3:30pm
You can do it pretty easily with a bathroom scale. Get a 2x4 that is longer than the draw length of your bow, though not too much longer. Make a notch in one end of the 2x4 for the bow string to sit in. Make a mark that is however long your draw length is from the bottom of the notch. So in my case I would measure out 28 inches from the notch and make the mark. Place the 2x4 standing upright on the scale with the notch at the top. Place the string of your strung bow in the notch. Pull down on the bow until you reach the mark you made on the 2x4. Your scale will register the poundage of the bow.

You can make a base for the 2x4 to make it steadier when you pull the bow. If you decide to just use the 2x4 without a base be careful that it doesn't slip as that can be painful.  Wink
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Mauro Fiorentini
Forum Moderation

Forge your future with
the hammer of your mind!

Posts: 3442
Ancona, Italy.
Gender: male
Re: A new rattan bow
Reply #2 - Dec 28th, 2010 at 8:23pm
Yes, thank you for the very useful explanation!
But I've just 2 more essential questions, what's a bathroom scale? and a 2x4?
I've searched out these terms but I've not been able to find out anything, perhaps if you explain me where to find these items, I could easily understand what they are!
I've understood what you have suggested me to do, I just need to know which item shall I use  Grin
Thank you again,
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Mauro Fiorentini - 339-525
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Slinging Rocks!  (and
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Posts: 247
hiding somewhere in Indiana
Gender: male
Re: A new rattan bow
Reply #3 - Dec 28th, 2010 at 9:32pm
A bathroom scale is a medium sized scale used to measure a persons weight. Any large, heavy-duty scale would also work.
A 2X4 is a standard size of wood board sold in America, It is a board of wood two inches thick (about 5cm) and four inches wide ( 10cm)  and of variable length.
to measure the power of a bow you have to measure how many pounds of force it takes to pull the bowstring back full draw.
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"aw, thats  cute..." &&yes, why don't you stand next to that tree over there and tell me how "cute" it is again.
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Mauro Fiorentini
Forum Moderation

Forge your future with
the hammer of your mind!

Posts: 3442
Ancona, Italy.
Gender: male
Re: A new rattan bow
Reply #4 - Dec 28th, 2010 at 9:52pm
Oooh, right, I've understood!
I think I could be able to build something useful next morning! Many thanx for your explanations, it is a very simple idea!
I'll let you know how powerful is my new bow  Cheesy
Thank you again,
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Mauro Fiorentini - 339-525
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Slinging.org Moderator


Posts: 8230
Re: A new rattan bow
Reply #5 - Dec 28th, 2010 at 10:00pm
Look forward to hearing it Mauro. Any pics of your bow?
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