Hallo everybody,
you've been talking about bow hunting so much that I felt the need of making a new one! I had a rattan pole of the right dimensions and an old rope, and in a couple of hour I have make my new bow (the old one was beginning to show its age

Now I have got a question: how do you measure the power of a bow?
I mean, I actually use a 55# one, but the 2 bows I have at home are not that powerful; I simply have this curiosity and would like to measure them.
The new one is 147 centimeters tall (57,8 inches); how could I measure it?
I can easily open it behind my ear, thus reaching the full distance between the arrowhead and the arrow tail.
I use 90 centimeters arrows (about 35,4 inches), so is my bow a 35# one?
I'm really curious, I've been practicing archery for years but I have never had the willing to know how powerful are my bows!
Many thanks on your help!