Bikewer wrote on Dec 15
th, 2010 at 11:41am:
I take it by meteor hammer you mean what I know of as a meteor ball... A weight on the end of a rope.
As Dan says, a potentially practical and versatile weapon, capable of being used close in in the manner of a Japanese manriki, or thrown at the opponent like a sling and as rapidly retracted.
But the amount of training required.... A fun art to master, no doubt, but not very practical.
Also flatly illegal under most all state laws. It would qualify as a weapon in the same class as a slung shot.
Many people missunderstand weapons laws at least in my state it is only illeagle to comit a crime with such a wepon but owning one is just fine,
however in high government (previously known as tyranny) areas such as new england owning any kind of "martial arts weapons" is illegal.
The main disatvantage I see to long rope weapons is what if someone cut the rope, then you are just left with a thin rope which could be used in very close ranges but is difficult to use against multiple opponents
Nice... lol