Cool work Paleo! I especially like how they all seem to be very congruent, it can be a tricky thing to do sometimes getting that point centered. I just recently discovered the secret to getting long pressure flakes, (can you believe I didn't know how to abrade and was pushing down on edge with no inward force for about 6 months of on and off attempts??
) and can now drive a pressure flake 3/4 of the way across any point with some careful preparations, even the flint ones I made recently. I'm kind of happy right now as I finally got a flake to travel all the way across, I did it with a green glass bottle base point when the point was about 3/4 finished. I should put pics of the points I have made recently on here, though right now I don't get to keep any as I am making them all into necklaces to hurts to dull the edges on some of them that are really beautiful and sharp... I guess I should use a piece of sandstone to do it instead of my tongue. (joke.)
What kind is your favorite to make? Lately for me it has been the triangular ones with notching on the side about 1/4 of the way up and a notch in the center of the bottom. But I also like making the ones with a notching that looks kind of like "ears" where you notch the sides then hollow out the base square or half circle or v shaped. I'm not so big on the rounded edged ones I prefer a triangle to a leaf shape as I find it easier to center the point.
O.K. I've modified this twice now, my post is getting too long, what is that point for that is at the near the bottom of the pic and is kind of a reddish brown, it is rectangular with a right angle triangle near the top or bottom...I've never seen that kind before.