
Slinging Rocks!
Posts: 801
New Brunswick Canada
Wow, those look excellent! One thing though, I can't help but notice that the notching on the bottom sticks out and then slopes backward, I think if you showed those to a game warden he would call them barbed and most places that is illegal. I think the rule is the base of the head cannot be sloped on less than a 45 degree angle if I am saying that right. In otherwords, straight across or curved upward. I gotta get some bone and give it a go! Did you make those Abo or did you use a hacksaw and belt sander? I'm not really sure how they did it abo, as it would be pretty tedious on sandstone, you could almost do slate as fast I would think, and you would still require a shard of knappable stone or glass to cut the grooves to control the split.