
Slinging Rocks!
Posts: 801
New Brunswick Canada
Flint and Quartz are pretty much all I can get! That's why I have such a hard go with flintknapping as it is really HARD stuff, but I have never tried heat treating any flint, so I guess I need to do that, might make it easier to flake. Try some nice white quartz paleo, that stuff will break your wrists and give you gray hairs from all the crumbling bits! Is the one foreshaft there birch? Hey, I have to get pics of my bola on here for you, man I keep telling people I will put pics up and derrrrr never get around to it!
What is the technique of the wrapping on that knife handle with the forked antler? That looks really nice, my dad would probably like to use that on his bows!
Oh, and the stuff that hafted tomahawk is made of, does it have a tendency to stack a bit or have slight layers to it? I found a piece of stuff on the beach that looks exactly like that, same color, same texture and it wasn't from ships ballast or anything as I have never found any flints in this bay before. It had a light brown shell on the outside and all nice like that on the inside. Knaps wonderfully but will stack like crazy if you try to flake downwards on the edge on a thick piece rather than across. It has a great edge though but is like I said just mildly layered, not so much it that it will break into sheafs but it's there. It is so much like flint aside from that slight layering... don't know it that's the same stuff at all, but I have made a few arrowheads and two spearpoints from it so far, I got lots of good flakes from the softball sized piece I found. There's another stone like it I find that is black and really really hard, not easy flaking like this, but has slight layers and a similar look to the grain if that helps any.