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Kijiji > Bear takedown recurve (Read 9790 times)
Interfector Viris Spurii
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Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Kijiji > Bear takedown recurve
Reply #15 - Aug 4th, 2010 at 8:44am

here is a pretty good vid for cheap arrows ,I have been using the 410. shells for a while for blunt arrowheads and the work great for the price.
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Re: Kijiji > Bear takedown recurve
Reply #16 - Aug 6th, 2010 at 3:26pm
your'e better off getting store bought arrows, as a long time archer i know how important consistent arrows are
if you use duct tape and dowel or something you just wont have that consistency , and if you're trying to have any kind of accuracy you need it,
without  consistency your shots will be bad , you will think its your fault , get frustrated ,bored and quit before you figure out what was wrong.
i have seen a few people make the same mistake .plus you will get longer range ,and a smoother release with real aluminium or carbon arrows.
on another note its a decent bow for the money you may want some new limbs though.
i do not mean to be critical archery is an under populated sport and we need more interest in it, i just dont want you to lose interest when you don't see results
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: Kijiji > Bear takedown recurve
Reply #17 - Aug 6th, 2010 at 5:33pm
In one of the "Primitive Bowyer's Bible" series of books (I confess I don't recall which one, it was 4 or 5) there's a nice article by one of the guys who was all about being "primitive".   Made everything himself, taught himself to shoot, etc.
Problem was, he was not satisfied with his results.   He had reached a plateau of accuracy that just wasn't very good.    He was at the point of thinking that was as far as you could go with "authentic" equipment.
Then, his son got involved with a young woman who was a competitive target archer.    They went out shooting one day, and the girl watched with interest and then asked if he'd be upset if she gave him some advice...

After just a few weeks of work on the fundamentals of archery (which after all has been studied for thousands of years) our friend found his shooting much improved, and his typical groups shrinking by half....

Just as with any other activity, it's easy to get into bad habits early, then awfully hard to break them.
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Re: Kijiji > Bear takedown recurve
Reply #18 - Aug 6th, 2010 at 6:23pm
Dowels get a bad rep mostly because people that use them are usually new archers that don't have much experience in making arrows or much understanding about wood. They do almost everything wrong, because of their inexperience, and then blame the dowel as being bad.

Well it's not quite so simple as that. A dowel is a piece of wood. Just like a board. Boards were once thought to be some how mystically different then staves cut from trees. Once people figured out that a board is a piece of wood like a stave and it's the cut of the grain that really matters, board bows became very popular and effective. Some true masters of the craft even prefer board bows. I like them both personally.

With dowels you may have to go through 100 to find 5-10 that have good grain. Then you go to all the other hardware stores and do the same. You end up with 50-60 shafts for dirt cheap. Then you spine them. Slightly high spines can be sanded in the middle to get them within range without effecting looks or shooting ability. Nocks can be cut or glued slightly at an angle to the normal perpendicular to the grain rule to get them to flex a bit more and thus spine less. I've seen absolutely no difference in durability from doing this.

There are a lot of tricks to getting them to spine right and none of them are especially hard. Wooden bow and arrow making is not simply gluing store bought pieces together it's about understanding the properties of wood and lots of hands on experience...

All that matters in the end is your arrows are uniform and consistent in every way and tuned correctly to your bow. And that can be accomplished with dowels believe it or not, or wood arrows in general. One just needs to put the time in to figure out all the tricks. For what it's worth though, I rarely use dowels, not because it's not possible but because their are easier ways to go about making good wooden arrows.

I'm not comparing wood to aluminum or carbon here because these materials produce better shafts but people have been making very long and accurate shots with wood arrows for a long time. They are definitely still worth using.  Roll Eyes
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Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Kijiji > Bear takedown recurve
Reply #19 - Aug 7th, 2010 at 8:32am
i've already picked up 3 fibreglass arrows ( $17 + tax ) from Canadian Tire

but the DIY'er inside me, says " try and make your own arrows yourself "

i'll see how i do with doweling, i'm just looking for something out to 40-50 ft

and if i do ok with doweling, i'll head out in the bush and look for " natural and straight "
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Posts: 8229
Re: Kijiji > Bear takedown recurve
Reply #20 - Aug 7th, 2010 at 3:07pm
ishi wrote on Aug 7th, 2010 at 8:32am:
i've already picked up 3 fibreglass arrows ( $17 + tax ) from Canadian Tire

but the DIY'er inside me, says " try and make your own arrows yourself "

i'll see how i do with doweling, i'm just looking for something out to 40-50 ft

and if i do ok with doweling, i'll head out in the bush and look for " natural and straight "

Make sure you are very specific with the grain you choose, you will probably need to hit up many stores to get enough good grained  arrows that spine close enough to tweak in to your preferred spine range...your going to need to look through a lot of dowels to find a good amount of arrows. Dowels will work but sometimes they are more work then they are worth when there are other easier ways. Shoot arrows are a blast too but a lot of work as well. Good luck.  Wink
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Slinging Rocks!

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Windsor Ontario
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Re: Kijiji > Bear takedown recurve
Reply #21 - Aug 8th, 2010 at 9:47am
so i put the rifle scabbard on Kijiji


asked for $30 - 5 days - 47 views - no takers

down to $20 - 1 day - 12 views so far

if there's no takers by friday, i'm thinking about cutting it in half


thinking about using the top half as a case for my recurve and arrows
and the bottom half can be a quiver
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