Rat Man wrote on Jul 27
th, 2010 at 2:59pm:
Among many other idiotic comments I read this today on youtube:
1 year ago 2 Hunting slings were typically used to drive prey in a certain area, like towards your hunting buddies who have the spears for poking. Or to drive it under a cliff where a huge rock could be dropped onto it. Of course you could kill small game with it, but for large game it's only a deterrant. And if you could deliver a debilitating wound and track the animal untill it dies that's just as good.
There is so much stupid misinformation about slings on youtube that it's almost comical. I suppose it's harmless, but it annoys me to some degree. Before people post comments as if they were some sort of expert they should at least have some faint notion as to what they're talking about. The way this guy spells should tell you all that you need to know about him!
Well, I've seen worse - sometimes posted by people who turn out to be on this forum
. But yes, when it's free for all access, and no one is sanctifying the results it pays to take the comments with a pinch of salt. Hones one's critical faculties - a good thing.
In the age of Wikipedia etc. we are in the age of the 'instant expert' - which I certainly find irritating seeing I worked a long time to be a 'real expert' at what I do. At least B.S. on Wikipedia is usually fairly rapidly shot down by others. I think it just means us old fogies have to remind ourselves we're not watching the carefully crafted television documentaries of our youth, but something completely different.