Thanks for the support, it couldn't have been done without the knowledge I gained from all the people on this site, not to mention the site
The funny thing about this story, besides it actually happening in real life, is that the ending to this particular scenario was anything but predictable and yet arguably the best possible outcome (!)
I had to share it. Now everyone there thinks of the sling as awesome and fun. A couple of the co-workers were low powered yet very accurate- they got repeated tennisball head-shots (!!!). I really ought to get everyone at work a sling for a gift now that I think of it...
"I would have totally embarresed myself by missing repeatedly. Bill "
Well, it's not part of the official legend, but I heard some rumor there were a couple of 'warm-up' throws beforehand
Tiny tidbits left out from the story (for pacing purposes):
*Upon my first (ordered) demonstration, they wanted to see how hard I could sling something (luckily/conveniently I had a tennisball), so I managed to both dent the heavy metal gate (pull down/garage style) with it and also slung it off the back wall hard enough for it to leave green tennisball fuzz stuck to the wall (visible from a ways back), which impressed the boss into the idea of herding the coworkers into a (backs turned) firing line...
*One coworker, Mark, executed a very nice figure 8 on their first try (I showed them once and discouraged it for inherent complexity). The group was actually surprisingly talented in general and picked it up (general slinging) more or less immediately. It was everyone's first try at using a sling (except for mine).
*The girl there (secretary) was the most accurate. Startling, actually. The worst part was how she didn't seem surprised by this at all. The only bad part of the experience was the bitter jealousy I had to swallow