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new longbow (Read 3739 times)
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new longbow
May 22nd, 2010 at 4:10pm
Here's a new hickory longbow i finished a few weeks ago.
Draws 70 lbs at 29 in. Leather cord wrapped handle.
Flemish bowstring with beaver fur silencers. A real sweet
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custer city, oklahoma
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Re: new longbow
Reply #1 - May 22nd, 2010 at 4:12pm
Here's a full draw pic.
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Re: new longbow
Reply #2 - May 22nd, 2010 at 4:14pm
Looks pretty sweet. Nice work
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Slinging Rocks!

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Re: new longbow
Reply #3 - May 22nd, 2010 at 4:21pm
  Looks nice.  I estimated my bow at about 65lbs, but I don't have a really accurate scale for it, (just an old scale with a hook on the bottom,) and it is pretty heavy, you don't seem to be having much trouble with the 70lbs!
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custer city, oklahoma
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Re: new longbow
Reply #4 - May 22nd, 2010 at 4:33pm
Thx guys. There's a lil strain on my face b/c i had to hold the bow
At full draw for about 20 seconds while my wife fiddled with
Getting the camera right:) i can draw 90 to 100 lbs with a war bow
But for hunting i like s little lighter weight for accuracy.  I'm 6'2 240lbs
So i can pull some pretty good weight.
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'Those who would sacrifice their freedom for safety&&Will find that they will inherit neither'&&--Benjamin Franklin
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Rat Man
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Re: new longbow
Reply #5 - May 23rd, 2010 at 8:42am
Beautiful work!
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David Morningstar
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Re: new longbow
Reply #6 - May 23rd, 2010 at 10:52am
Very nice. 70#@29" is serious power!
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Re: new longbow
Reply #7 - May 30th, 2010 at 8:18am
Nice work! I haven't shot a bow in so long, I'm not even sure what I can pull.

When you build a bow, do you have to be able to draw it clear back to your cheek? Does it matter how far the draw length is? What happens if you draw it farther than that?
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K'Jev  Cool
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Re: new longbow
Reply #8 - May 30th, 2010 at 4:42pm
Nice work!   At my somewhat-advanced age, and with an old shoulder injury, such poundages are too much.  The first bow I built was around 50 pounds, and it was difficult even after some time spent training.  The next one I did was closer to 45 pounds and I could feel the difference and shoot with good form.
To Kjev:    Yes, form and technique are more important than draw-weight.   You should determine your draw-length before ever attempting to build a bow, and work to achieve your target draw-weight at that distance.   28 inches is a sort of "standard", but body size, arm length, shoulder flexibility...All can change this by inches.
Where to "anchor" is a matter of personal preference.  Target shooters use elaborate techniques to get exactly the same draw each time; "kisser" buttons on the string, "clickers" on the bow...  Just look at any archery catalogue.
Hunters are usually not so picky as shots must often be taken quickly, but form and consistency are necessary for accuracy.

One of the contributors to the Primitive Bowyer's Bible said he'd built bows and shot them for many years....But then his son married a competitive target archer.  He began studying with her and was rapidly made aware of the many bad habits he'd developed over the years!    His shooting improved greatly.
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