
Joined May 6th, 2008
Posts: 559
Yeah, compound bows are a litte different, but then it's a lot easier to hold one of them back and take your time on the aiming. I'm with Paleoarts, the longer I hold this bow back, the less likely I am to hit anything... at least anything I'm planning on hitting! I had a chance today to shoot some more. I dropped by my parents house to deliver some arrows to my dad to go with the bow that I made him for Christmas, and it just so happened that he was off work today. So we strung up the bows and shot for about 30 minutes or so. Good times. I had forgotten how powerful the one I made for him was though... a completely different feeling, and even sound, from firing mine. Got my little brother and sister out shooting too, though neither of them could pull back either my dad's bow or mine.