Past Moderator
Joined Nov. 1, 2006 Luke 14:14
Posts: 3265
Melbourne, Australia
As Rat Man said, waterballons will probably be ok out of a seatbelt sling. To be honest I've never tried them. However I doubt you'll find them really satisfactory, as they will definitely be single use ammo. To get any good with a sling you need to put in hundreds or even thousands of shots; a lot of balloons to fill and bits of rubber to clean up afterward.
Tennis balls are the way to go. They're safe, inexpensive and readily available, give predictable and reasonable performance provided you don't want to throw too far and they are reusable. Best of all for city environs, they don't scare people. The only time I've heard any negative opinion is from John's friends. Even then I get the impression it was just a theoretical discussion, they hadn't actually seen him slinging.
I like to sling up against a tennis practise wall in a local park. However if you don't have that option you may be able to hire a tennis court. Ideal length and inside a high wire mesh fence; who could ever complain then.