Fx 2000

Zielst Du noch, oder triffst Du schon?
Posts: 180
Karlsruhe Germany
Hallo Dork,
when you started with european styl, it can be difficult to change to asian styl, for example the arrow is on the other side os the string, besause you release the string to different sites. Japanese use special leather gloves for release, chinese, korean and mongole people use thumb rings made from jade, brass, silver leather, bone ore horn. If you use a long bow the angle of the string is big enouh to use three fingers, if you use a verry short bow like an korean ore osmanian horsbow, you have a verry small angle at the string if you draw out the bow, here the thumb style is better. Normaly you can say if the stretched(?) bow is shorter than 42" at an draw length than 28", its better to use the thumb style ore use a release. I am not good enough to use the thumb style and with 123# on 30" draw length and a bow length of 45", the thumb style is verry painful, so I use three finger. On the of me and my bow you can see one of the prolems: The arrow curved by the pressure of the fingers. The arrow isnt drawn full length.
Greetings Michel