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Greetings from Minnesota (Read 1026 times)

Slinging Rocks!

Posts: 1
Greetings from Minnesota
Feb 1st, 2010 at 7:56pm
Hello all,

I've been into survival/weapons/etc. for awhile and ran across a reference to the sling a few days ago on a website. I became very intrigued and googled it, and found this site, and some other articles. The long and short of it is, this sounds like a fascinating -and fun- skill, and I'm definitely looking forward to some warmer weather so I can get out and try my hand at it. There's a huge parking lot across the street from my apartment which seems perfect for such endeavors, as it's totally empty after 5pm.

My granddad grew up in the Ozarks, and I know that when he was young, he used to hunt rabbits by throwing rocks at them.... Now I'm curious about whether they ever used slings!

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Interfector Viris Spurii


Posts: 2101
Austin, Tx.
Gender: male
Re: Greetings from Minnesota
Reply #1 - Feb 2nd, 2010 at 2:00pm
Doriath22 wrote on Feb 1st, 2010 at 7:56pm:
Hello all,
My granddad grew up in the Ozarks, and I know that when he was young, he used to hunt rabbits by throwing rocks at them.... Now I'm curious about whether they ever used slings!


Being a granddad I'm certain slings were not in general use in the central plains; don't know about the Ozarks.
Took bunnies with thrown rocks; even more with slingshot (aka flip, catapult, bean shooter made with y fork and inner tube rubber) then migrated to wrist rocket braced slingshot with surgical rubber tubes...watch-out-bunnies.

my-bad P.S. Welcome to the forums. There is a lot of good slinging information here.
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A Curmudgeon@Large Civilly Fomenting Anarchy one post at a time...I don't like it is not a valid reason and Everyone knows is not a valid rule...Hi Ho, Hi Ho Its Off To Work I Go; As Ci-vi-lly As I Can Be Hi Ho, Hi Ho, Hi Ho...
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Et Cetera
Interfector Viris Spurii

Slinging Rocks Into Windows!

Posts: 1550
Gender: male
Re: Greetings from Minnesota
Reply #2 - Feb 4th, 2010 at 10:04pm
Welcome!  Smiley I'm also from Minnesota  Smiley
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« Last Edit: Feb 5th, 2010 at 3:53pm by Et Cetera »  
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Posts: 3894
Delaware, USA
Gender: male
Re: Greetings from Minnesota
Reply #3 - Feb 14th, 2010 at 4:59am
Welcome to the forum.
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Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.
John Walker  
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Slinging Rocks!

Posts: 6
Re: Greetings from Minnesota
Reply #4 - Jan 19th, 2025 at 3:13pm
Let’s go another person from MN that’s awesome
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Ice is Cool!

Posts: 3303
Re: Greetings from Minnesota
Reply #5 - Jan 19th, 2025 at 7:53pm
@atjordan13 - I like your enthusiasm.  I just hope you have your expectations at an appropriate level.  Using the current thread as an example, Doriath22 posted his introduction message about 14 years ago, and doesn't have any posts since.  I wouldn't put too much stock in getting a response.

If you do find older members/posts (or members who don't seem to have posted for a very long time) and you genuinely want to get in touch with them, a private message could be a better option.  As long as the person is still using the same email address they're registered with, a private message will send them an email notification.  But for many of these older introductions threads, I don't imagine anyone is watching.  It's fine if you want to add posts, again this is just about making sure your expectations are in the right place.

Cheers man!
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