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Medieval reliefs (Read 10018 times)
Interfector Viris Spurii

Sultan of Sling

Posts: 1385
Inter Mosam ac Rhenum
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Re: Medieval reliefs
Reply #15 - Mar 20th, 2010 at 12:40pm
Thunder Chief wrote on Mar 16th, 2010 at 8:38pm:
Sorry for the late reply, but I've got a sling that looks just like this.  It's supposed to be a reproduction of an Etruscan sling.  Its got a three strand pouch as well, and looks suspciously like the one in the relief.


Is there any other image or proof other than these reliefs of the "Etruscan" sling being the one with the three strand pouch? If not, I have the suspicion that here we might have a confusion of cause and effect. Which means: The reliefs on the pillars once were interpreted as slings (no matter if they are or not), which is why everybody since then believes that Etruscans (exclusively) made three strand slings.

Jaegoor showed me a drawing of a Balearic sling variation with - a three strand pouch. They probably exist(ed) in many parts of the world, maybe even among the Etruscans Wink, but I doubt that they were the "typical" Etruscan sling before I see more evidence for it.

I have nothing against the use of the term "Etruscan sling". It sounds good and vivid, and it's justified by its common use on this forum. But it's like the terms "Apache sling" or "Byzantine style". The Apache were neither the inventors nor the only users of the certain type of sling which we describe as Apache, and not everybody using the Byzantine style automatically had to be a subject of the Emperor of Constantinople. At the same time, the Apache as perfect pragmatics surely also used other types of slings, and I strongly believe it was not forbidden among Byzantine troops to use another throwing style than "Byzantine", if necessary. Wink
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Ferrugo numquam dormit.&&(Nigellus Iuvenis)&&&&

Noch weiz ich an im mere daz mir ist bekant
einen lintrachen  slouch des heledes hant
do badet er in dem blvote  des ist der helt gemeit
von also vester hvte  daz in nie wafen sit versneit.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Slinging Rocks!

Posts: 2835
Gender: male
Re: Medieval reliefs
Reply #16 - Mar 20th, 2010 at 1:10pm
Such a Sling is even in the coat of arms of

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Bono Mellius
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