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Sharpening stones (Read 7722 times)

woof woof pant pant awooooooooo!!!!!!

Posts: 23
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Sharpening stones
Oct 28th, 2009 at 5:23pm
what do u use to sharpen your knife's? (and please don't just put "a stone" Angry)
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throwing a stone by hand when there's a sling in your pocket is like wiping your a*se with your hand when there's toilet roll right next to you.&&-----------------------------------------------------------&&men of tanith, do you want to live forever?&&&&he couldn't hear an answer over the pounding rain.&&&&he didn't need to.&&&&an extract from "the saint" a gaunt's &&ghosts omnibus"
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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oceanside, CA
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Re: Sharpening stones
Reply #1 - Oct 28th, 2009 at 6:31pm
it depends on the knife. for most of my steel knives, i have a whet stone with fine grit on one side and a little coarser on the other. for axes and machettes i use my grinding wheel, and for stone bladed knives i just pressure flake a new edge.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Slinging Rocks!

Posts: 2453
Re: Sharpening stones
Reply #2 - Oct 28th, 2009 at 8:28pm
"...and for stone bladed knives i just pressure flake a new edge."

paleoarts, I have a couple of stone blades that I have found over the years and wonder if they also can be reflaked?

cronk70, my sharpener has three composite stones: rough, medium and fine. Usually only use the medium and fine and then finish with a piece of what looks and feels like marble.

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Interfector Viris Spurii

it don't mean a thing
if you aint got that

Posts: 1993
oceanside, CA
Gender: male
Re: Sharpening stones
Reply #3 - Oct 28th, 2009 at 8:34pm
of course. if they were knapped to begin with....

check out youtube for any number of tutorials on pressure flaking.
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Captain Paul

der Schleudermeister

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Re: Sharpening stones
Reply #4 - Oct 28th, 2009 at 10:03pm
I have found that an india oil stone works best for in almost all knife sharpening--of course with a sufficient amount of light oil
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kuggur slingdog
Ex Member

Re: Sharpening stones
Reply #5 - Oct 29th, 2009 at 5:22am
After coarse/fine wetstone I strop my knifes (at least the ones I want wicked sharp...). I use an old leather belt of which the buckle broke, put a wax with buffing compound on it. If you have your knife sharpened like this only restropping is enough to keep your knife sharp for a pretty long time.
Really dislike powered tools for sharpening, too much danger of screwing up the temper on your edges.
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Interfector Viris Spurii


Posts: 2101
Austin, Tx.
Gender: male
Re: Sharpening stones
Reply #6 - Oct 29th, 2009 at 9:29am
Whetstone (Arkansas stone), Diamond impregnated metal stones, crock stick, coffee mug, strop, jewelers rouge,
automotive buffing compound, wet'n'dry sandpaper with glass plate ... depends on the blade I'm sharpening and how sharp I want it to be. For a quick and dirty my go-to tool is the coffee mug.
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A Curmudgeon@Large Civilly Fomenting Anarchy one post at a time...I don't like it is not a valid reason and Everyone knows is not a valid rule...Hi Ho, Hi Ho Its Off To Work I Go; As Ci-vi-lly As I Can Be Hi Ho, Hi Ho, Hi Ho...
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: Sharpening stones
Reply #7 - Oct 29th, 2009 at 1:09pm
I have one of those big setups with three increasingly-fine Arkansas stones on a triangular block..You just flip 'em over to change.

I use that for serious re-sharpening or establishing a good edge. 

For touch-ups I have a big old butcher's "steel" about a foot long...Does a terrific job.
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woof woof pant pant awooooooooo!!!!!!

Posts: 23
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Re: Sharpening stones
Reply #8 - Oct 29th, 2009 at 6:07pm
first of all ty for the tips Grin

second im trying to find as many different types of sharpners as possible (oh and i havent got the cash to spend on a fancy dimond one or sumthing like that

oh and how do u use a coffe mug?
thanks again Grin  Cheesy Grin
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throwing a stone by hand when there's a sling in your pocket is like wiping your a*se with your hand when there's toilet roll right next to you.&&-----------------------------------------------------------&&men of tanith, do you want to live forever?&&&&he couldn't hear an answer over the pounding rain.&&&&he didn't need to.&&&&an extract from "the saint" a gaunt's &&ghosts omnibus"
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Interfector Viris Spurii

I love Slinging.org!

Posts: 1627
St. Louis, Mo
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Re: Sharpening stones
Reply #9 - Oct 29th, 2009 at 8:28pm
You need to find one with a "raw" bottom surface, that hasn't been glazed.   The unglazed ceramic works quite nicely.
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Interfector Viris Spurii


Posts: 2101
Austin, Tx.
Gender: male
Re: Sharpening stones
Reply #10 - Oct 29th, 2009 at 10:12pm
What Bikewer said.   The unglazed ring in the bottom of the cup acts like a circular crock stick.
Find mugs with different textures and you have grades of abrasive from coarse to very fine.

P.S. Don't do this with "Mom's" fine china cups as this will leave gray metal deposits on the cup.
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A Curmudgeon@Large Civilly Fomenting Anarchy one post at a time...I don't like it is not a valid reason and Everyone knows is not a valid rule...Hi Ho, Hi Ho Its Off To Work I Go; As Ci-vi-lly As I Can Be Hi Ho, Hi Ho, Hi Ho...
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de la tierra al cielo

Posts: 162
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Re: Sharpening stones
Reply #11 - Oct 29th, 2009 at 10:57pm
Check out the Lansky sharpening system, about $20
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“So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone, and smote the Philistine, and slew him…….”1 Samuel 17:50-KJV
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woof woof pant pant awooooooooo!!!!!!

Posts: 23
Gender: male
Re: Sharpening stones
Reply #12 - Oct 30th, 2009 at 6:53pm
what fine china? lol Grin

and thanx for the tips.
i went down to the beach and found a brick sized pice of sandstone would that be any good?
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throwing a stone by hand when there's a sling in your pocket is like wiping your a*se with your hand when there's toilet roll right next to you.&&-----------------------------------------------------------&&men of tanith, do you want to live forever?&&&&he couldn't hear an answer over the pounding rain.&&&&he didn't need to.&&&&an extract from "the saint" a gaunt's &&ghosts omnibus"
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Slinging Rocks!

Posts: 161
Re: Sharpening stones
Reply #13 - Oct 31st, 2009 at 8:30am
For basic all around sharpening, I'd recommend a Norton Coarse/Fine stone.  You can get them as India (aluminum oxide) or as Crystalon (silicon carbide) for the coarse side.  The fine side is India.  These are trade names for Nortons particular blend of aluminum oxide and silicon carbide.  It takes some practice, but you can get an edge that will split a hair held between your fingers with just this stone.  I used the stone dry, but oil is recommended.

If you want that extra bit of crazy to your edges, then get a strop and some green honing compound (chromium oxide), or go to a wood working store and get a pack of 0.3 micron (thats about 15000 grit) honing films and stick them to a flat piece of wood.  A pack has 3 films and I've been using the same one for the last year or so.  A pack is ~$4.  I like them a lot if you cant tell.  Its expensive, but you can also find diamond lapping powder and use it on your strop.  It goes to 0.25 micron, maybe finer. 

If you want to experiment, various grits of sandpaper work pretty well, and you can get a hair shaving edge off 600 grit wet/dry paper.  A $5 hardware store coarse/fine stone works, but they wear quickly and the edge is a little rougher than the Norton stones.  Sandstone was used a while ago (1800s) for coarse stones.  I dont know how it is for fine finishing.  I've never been able to get good results with a coffee mug or steel, but others swear by both.  You can try water stones as well.  They do not work dry, but can be found in grits finer than 10000 and as coarse as 120.  If you have some of the modern, high alloy tool steels or stainless steels, diamond may be the way to go.  If not, any of the above, except maybe sandstone, will work to some degree.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Sultan of Sling

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Re: Sharpening stones
Reply #14 - Nov 6th, 2009 at 4:29am
Selfish spammer reported
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einen lintrachen  slouch des heledes hant
do badet er in dem blvote  des ist der helt gemeit
von also vester hvte  daz in nie wafen sit versneit.
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