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The Sling Bow: Let's talk about it (Read 14647 times)
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The Sling Bow: Let's talk about it
Oct 2nd, 2009 at 9:48am
After using the search function, I have determined that there are no other threads about this "sling bow".  The reason I bring it up is because BrianGrubbs showed me a link to this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6LxKfpAPYA&feature=channel_page (Thanks Brian!)

The video, of course, is all about how to construct what the man calls a "sling bow", a combination of a slingshot and a bow.  I watched it, liked what I saw, and made my own.  I used exactly the same model of slingshot and whisker biscuit, and the results were pretty good.  (It almost seems like the parts were made for each other!)

While doing some archery earlier that day, I damaged the nock of one my arrows when my next arrow clipped it on its way into the target.  This damaged arrow became my test arrow for the slingbow (as the nockless rear was easier to grip through the pouch).  I was able to hit the shooting block (and get good arrow penetration) pretty consistently, but only after compensating for the arrow's tendency to go to the left.

To test what was causing this tendency, I held the slingshot vetically for a few shots, and found that it now shot low.  I concluded that my arrow would stray in the direction of wrist brace.  This could either be because of my improper form or due to the arrow.  

Just as it's important to match a bow to the arrow, I suppose it may be important to match an arrow to your slingbow.  For what it's worth, in the video he recommends carbon arrows, but I was using an aluminum arrow.

Also, as advertised, the whisker biscuit easily flips down and it can be used as a standard slingshot again at will.

Has anyone else attempted to make one of these?  If so, what are your experiences with it?

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Re: The Sling Bow: Let's talk about it
Reply #1 - Oct 2nd, 2009 at 9:52am
"Backwoodsman" magazine did an artical on making a "Rock Bow" which is basically a bow that you shoot rocks out of. I'll try to look up the issue and let you know which one it is. You may be able to do a search on their web site and find it on line as well.
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Judges 20:16 "Out of all these troops, the best 700 were left-handed. Each could sling a stone at a hair and not miss."&&&&http://www.glockforum.com/forum&&
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: The Sling Bow: Let's talk about it
Reply #2 - Oct 2nd, 2009 at 2:55pm
Like TN Frank, I'm familiar with both bows and crossbows designed to shoot bullet-like projectiles.
There's quite a lot of information in this book:


Which is a fun read anyway...

Don't know why you couldn't shoot arrows successfully with a sling-shot type device; the limiting factor being the "pinch" grip you'd need.
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Curious Aardvark
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Re: The Sling Bow: Let's talk about it
Reply #3 - Oct 2nd, 2009 at 3:43pm
I like the idea and te way it's made.

But exhorting every 14 year old in america to make one and go kill stuff.
Possibly not the brightest thing you could say.

Okay he does say go into the woods and kill stuff, but we all know that's just not going to happen in an urban environment.

Anyone want to open a book on where the first 'slingbow' shootings occur in the states ?

And what is this american obsession with killing everything that moves ?
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Re: The Sling Bow: Let's talk about it
Reply #4 - Oct 2nd, 2009 at 3:45pm
i've seen it, but until i find my marksman and get an arrow or whittle one i won't have any experience. one of the better parts is that it's easier to practice and get good at it then a bow, at least for me so far it has
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Interfector Viris Spurii


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Re: The Sling Bow: Let's talk about it
Reply #5 - Oct 2nd, 2009 at 9:29pm
Curious Aardvark wrote on Oct 2nd, 2009 at 3:43pm:
... And what is this american obsession with killing everything that moves ?

America has only recently become urban. Most of us lived in the county side on farms and ranches where killing everything meant a well stocked larder. I remember taking shotgun and ammo with me every where I traveled during hunting season. Hunters are the primary reason that there are any game animals or fish left in the US.  

Steven says: ''
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Interfector Viris Spurii


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Re: The Sling Bow: Let's talk about it
Reply #6 - Oct 2nd, 2009 at 9:37pm
Bikewer wrote on Oct 2nd, 2009 at 2:55pm:
... Don't know why you couldn't shoot arrows successfully with a sling-shot type device; the limiting factor being the "pinch" grip you'd need.

The pinch factor was overcome by removing the nock and inserting a golf tee into the arrow shaft and gluing it in place. That gives you something to grip through the pouch.
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Throwin' sticks and stones.

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Re: The Sling Bow: Let's talk about it
Reply #7 - Oct 2nd, 2009 at 9:57pm
I remember seeing an attachment for a wrist rocket that would allow it to shoot arrows. 
We here in the U.S. aren't the only ones that "kill everything that moves". That's just a part of being human, we are by nature predators and as such we kill.  I use to be real bad for killing birds with a pellet gun but as I've gotten older I hardly kill anything.  I'll even pick up crickets and catch moths and let em' go outside. I think you should only kill if there's a need for it, either food or if it's a pest situation like coyotes getting after your pets or having mice in your house but then for mice I let my cats take care of em'.
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Judges 20:16 "Out of all these troops, the best 700 were left-handed. Each could sling a stone at a hair and not miss."&&&&http://www.glockforum.com/forum&&
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Re: The Sling Bow: Let's talk about it
Reply #8 - Oct 2nd, 2009 at 10:35pm
This looks cool, I might have to try it... any one made one and know what the pull is?

...and did he say whisker 'brisket' or whisker 'biscuit'?   Huh
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Interfector Viris Spurii


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Re: The Sling Bow: Let's talk about it
Reply #9 - Oct 2nd, 2009 at 10:56pm
Eoraptor wrote on Oct 2nd, 2009 at 10:35pm:
..and did he say whisker 'brisket' or whisker 'biscuit'?   Huh
whisker biscuit
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Re: The Sling Bow: Let's talk about it
Reply #10 - Oct 3rd, 2009 at 3:13am
Eoraptor: Yes, I have made one of these.  The bands are the stock ones that came with the slingshot, so while I don't know the exact draw weight, I can tell you it's light enough for almost anyone to pull back fairly easily. 

curious_aardvark: I must admit I found the irony in the idea that the slingbow would get those kids to put down those violent video games to go outside and kill something!  But at the same time, I also appreciate the idea that as human beings, we are inherently predators.  That is, we didn't end up at the top of the food chain by mistake.

I don't exactly advocate leaving a wake of animal corpses wherever you go, but I think it's important that youth develop a respect for weapons and hunting, life and death.  I'd rather see adolescent boys blasting squirrels out of a tree with a BB gun than crying over Bambi.

I know there are some psychologists who say that killing small animals leads to serial killers, but I think those pro-animal extremists (like PETA, ALF, and SHARK) are WAY worse.  They're the ones who need mental health counseling.

But anyway, back to the slingbow, if you have about $20-30 you're willing to spend and are near a Wal*Mart or similar store then I highly recommend giving it a try.  But, as you're shooting arrows with this thing, it's definitely a plus to have something as a soft target to preserve your arrows.  I have a nice archery target block, but hay bales and stuff will work too.
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Re: The Sling Bow: Let's talk about it
Reply #11 - Oct 3rd, 2009 at 3:29am
Here's a picture of my slingbow on my scanner.

     By the way, when you go to get the whisker biscuit you're presented with two options: the $40 dollar package and the $20 dollar package.  Get the $20 one (called the replacement kit) because it still has the actual whisker biscuit, which is the only thing in there you really need.  All the other parts are for mounting it to a compound bow, but all we need are simple zip ties.  Make sure you get the thin ties that are only 8" long or shorter.  The longer, more heavy duty ties will be too thick to work.
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slingbow.JPG (26 KB | )
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Curious Aardvark
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Re: The Sling Bow: Let's talk about it
Reply #12 - Oct 3rd, 2009 at 9:50am
I think you should only kill if there's a need for it, either food or if it's a pest situation like coyotes getting after your pets or having mice in your house but then for mice I let my cats take care of em'.

Going out and killing any animal for 'fun' or 'practice' just leads to a callous approach to life in general.
Me I'd rather have them playing video games. Never did me any harm (lol)

And quepy - he does state quite clearly that you want to buy the $20 replacement whisker brisket (lol)

Anyone watching the video - will know this Smiley

Have to admit I love the idea, had I a wallmart I'd make one, have lots of fun with it  - and NOT shoot animals. It's an option none of these people seem capable of processing.

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Re: The Sling Bow: Let's talk about it
Reply #13 - Oct 3rd, 2009 at 5:05pm
Curious Aardvark wrote on Oct 2nd, 2009 at 3:43pm:
And what is this american obsession with killing everything that moves ?

But... it was moving  Smiley

Sorry, couldn't resist.
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Re: The Sling Bow: Let's talk about it
Reply #14 - Oct 3rd, 2009 at 5:43pm
if i had to kil something i would only do it if i knew i would be using every part possible to use that's in my skill. this include eating it, figuring out how to tan or just make leather in general. then my mom could probably make stock out of the bones. i guess I'll have to get rid of the head because stuffing it is just stupid unless less if it's a turkey at thanksgiving Wink
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