I thought most of you probably already know how to do this, and either do it or choose not to because its unnecessary. But then I reckoned that some might not have figured this out yet so I took pictures while building my newest sling. This sling is made from scraps or trimmings of hemp from my other slings, spliced together. Splicing is also a good way to hide trimmed strings in tapered cords, or hide string ends in introduced cords. It won't work with cordage that is braided around a core such as nylon cord. Here's how:
To splice two strings within a braid together, untwist the ends for at least an inch and grab and pull apart the fibers:

Place the unraveled ends together, press them together in the middle and twist them together. It helps to hold down the ends a bit if you can. If you do it right the transition will be very smooth:

Continue braiding, making sure the spliced portion remains twisted.