Thanks, the_warrior_yeti, for nice words and tutorial. It feels like I ALMOST should have figured it out myself, but I did not quite do it. The fuzz on my sling is a result of the hemp I use, wich was a bit stubborn, and me doing it for the first time. Anyway it is of little consequence, compared to almost anything.
Donnerchlag, expect of lot of things like that. I have braided a lot of slings, and most of them is a little obsolete, because I learn something new, or get new opinions, all the time.
Typical is when I desided to use a larger finger loop, when I desided to use a more distinkt taper, and when I desided to switch from a narrow grip with loop around ring finger, to wide grip with loop around middle finger.
And now, a more elegant way to do the tapering
It just mean it is time for making more slings